Page 61 - Senior Link Magazine Summer 2020- Online Magazine
P. 61
Monterey – Abby Pelser
communicate whole feelings and singing in the school choir, as
messages. well as participating in the many
extracurricular events connected to
The Buddy Holly Performing Arts them, I find it difficult to express
Center will give me, and many just how excited I am for the
others, the chance to share how opening of the Buddy Holly Hall of
music has touched each one of us. Performing Arts and Sciences and
This ability to move others through the opportunity for LISD to be able
what has moved us is one of the to use this amazing space.
greatest gifts we can experience.
In the past, when holding our
I would be overjoyed to perform bigger concerts, such as All Region, s part of the performing
on such a stage as the Buddy many people have had to stand arts community, I’m excited
Holly Hall. I have never personally in the back due to lack of seats. Aabout the new remodel of the
performed on any stage that Because of the availability of this Monterey High School auditorium,
was very big. However, this larger space, that will no longer be and I’m even more excited to get to
new opportunity fills me with the case. perform in the new Buddy Holly Hall.
incredible excitement. To perform With all the changes in Lubbock, it’s
on such a massive stage and under Another amazing aspect of this awesome to know that Buddy Holly
the roof named after a local legend new space is the acoustic rating; will always be a part of Lubbock’s
would truly be a dream come true. this space has professional-grade, history.
noise cancelling capability. With
this superior rating, concert I’m ecstatic about the 2200-seat
audiences will be able to immerse auditorium. It will be an honor to
Talkington – Katelyn Devore themselves in a musical experience be on a stage in front of that many
like never before! people but also quite terrifying. It
will be an awesome experience to do
Additionally, when this space is some amazing shows, not just for our
complete, it will be amazing to families and friends, but for the entire
come out of a performance and see community of Lubbock. When we’re
the super cool infrastructure, such able to perform downtown next year,
as the iconic “guitar wall” and we’ll have more ability to advertise
fabulous staircase. I am very much our shows and get more people to
looking forward to the opportunity come and see them.
for my fellow students and me to
be able perform in this new space, As a senior next year, it will be a
and I’d like to thank everyone who crazy experience to perform in a place
has made it possible! that combines our city’s entire art
community. Performing at the Buddy
Holly Center will be a privilege.
Students will have to respect the
honor by staying on top of their
academics and out of trouble. It will
be an incentive to many students who
s an avid participant in might never have an opportunity
many things musical, like this. The new environment will
Asuch as playing cello in help all of us to grow, not just in our
the Talkington Orchestra and individual craft but also as leaders as
we encourage younger students and
help them in their growth.
Lubbock Senior Link 61