Page 62 - Senior Link Magazine Summer 2020- Online Magazine
P. 62

A Lady of

          THE ARTS

                           Carolyn Warrick

          by Ted and Jody Boudreaux Wilson

          When Carolyn Warrick enters         dropped on Hiroshima”.
          a room, so does joy.  Carolyn       She graduated high
          exudes dignity and grace with an    school May 25, 1950 and
          atmosphere of humor wherever we     circumstances brought
          encounter her. As one of the several   her back to Plainview
          gifted musicians at First United    July 16, 1950.
          Methodist Church in Plainview, one
          surmises that the joy of the Lord is   Those “circumstances”
          her strength.                       were in the form of
                                              a young man, John                   won’t be found in books. There was
          Although her life began in DeLeon,   Warrick, whom Carolyn met          no piano teacher when they moved
          Texas, Carolyn’s parents, Paul      when she was 13.  They became       to Hope, but she practiced on her
          and Naomi Holdridge moved the       acquainted in the church youth      own, since the church and piano
          family to Plainview in 1939, where   group, corresponded those          were just around the corner from
          he pastored the First Assembly      intervening years until John        the parsonage. There she developed
          of God Church for several years     attended her graduation and         her own “licks” reading books,
          until they moved to El Paso and     proposed. Their marriage lasted just   befriending a concert pianist, and
          eventually to Hope, Arkansas in     a few months shy of 60 years when   diligently practicing (as many as
          1945 “on the day the bomb was       John died in 2010. That marriage    ten hours a day).  She entertained
                                                    produced two children,        the idea of becoming a concert
                                                    Randy and Ginger, and a       pianist, but we now know the
                                                    legacy of 15 grandchildren    “circumstance” that altered that
                                                    and 20 great grandchildren    dream. At age 13, Carolyn became
                                                    for Carolyn to enjoy.         proficient enough to take over the
                                                                                  piano playing duties at the church.
                                                    She began her music career,   And she has continued to carry out
                                                    taking lessons form Mrs.      those duties for three quarters of a
                                                    Blackburn in her early        century, both piano and organ.
                                                    days in Plainview. She also
                                                    remembers another teacher     After marriage, Carolyn and
                                                    in El Paso, Mrs. Heblen, who   John were members of Southside
                                                    taught her some “good licks”   Assembly of God until they were led
                                                    and tricks on the piano that   to help start Trinity Fellowship in

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