Page 63 - Senior Link Magazine Summer 2020- Online Magazine
P. 63
the class and began her painting Plainview. Carolyn met the actors,
career in acrylics. She has won with Meatloaf staying at the Plaza
several awards, and her paintings and Steve Martin eating at the
have been displayed in various art LePatio Restaurant connected to the
venues. The most notable gallery for inn. She said, “Steve Martin was
her art is her backyard fence. just as common and nice as you and
Over the past several years, Carolyn
has been feted for her various Carolyn is about to move into a
accomplishments, including Woman smaller place that will be easier
of the Year by the Plainview Friends for her to take care of. Her piano
of Music, Silver Star Award by the and many pieces of art will make
Plainview Cultural Arts Council, the move. After all, a fence is only
Plainview in 1979. While playing for
church, Carolyn also taught piano and RSVP Volunteer of the Month. a fence until paintings make it a
lessons for 19 years. They moved Carolyn is free to share the gifts she gallery. And a tune is merely a
to FUMC 12 years ago, where she has been given. tune, until the Holy Spirit, through a
continues to play regularly. Playing Her husband John was involved willing and gifted instrument, gives
the piano is her mode of worship, in several business ventures and it life and meaning. That is what
and she’s really good at it, whether was a noted business and Christian God does through this delightful,
reading notes or playing by ear. leader in the Plainview area. Spirit-filled vessel, Carolyn Warrick,
a gifted, lovely lady with a beautiful,
A few years ago, Avenell Armstrong Carolyn joined him in some of those gentle spirit. No wonder she was
asked Carolyn to play for the ventures, most notably Warrick “Homecoming Queen” of Hope.
Millennium Singers, a choir made Furniture. Downtown Plainview
of mature individuals who love is replete with
to sing for senior living facilities buildings
and other events. They practice bearing the
Wednesday mornings at the Senior Warrick name.
Citizen building and perform Son, Randy,
most Thursdays. She and Dorothy now runs
Morton make sure the singers are the furniture
well accompanied. This group of business.
musicians are family to each other, Warrick Plaza
finding themselves blessed while Inn has long
blessings others. They sing together, since sold,
pray together, fellowship together, but in its day
and touch countless lives in the was a well-
process. regarded bed
and breakfast.
Carolyn not only plays, she paints. In 1992, “Leap
An encouraging word by her of Faith”, a
fourth-grade teacher, Mrs. Evans, at movie starring
Highland Elementary in Plainview Steve Martin,
planted the seed. In Arkansas, Debra Winger,
Carolyn’s dad watered that seed Liam Neeson,
by giving her a wooden box of oil and Meatloaf,
paints. Finally, the seed sprouted in debuted. Much
1969, when Ruth Tears from Dallas of the town
offered an art workshop. With her and cafe scenes
children pretty well grown, she took were filmed in
Lubbock Senior Link 63