Page 64 - Senior Link Magazine Summer 2020- Online Magazine
P. 64
The Road Through Technology
by Dottie Garcia
Graphic Design & Photography,
Byron Martin Advanced Technology Center
hen I received my
teaching degree in
W1984, I was already very
interested in computers. I had more intricate
already taken classes on computer patterns.
languages and programming. I Students had
learned how to run punch cards to learn how to
through a massive machine. In 1984, write formulas
computers were beginning to show and incorporate
up in schools. I was one of the few angles and other
teachers who was using them to math skills.
calculate grades and write lesson It was basic
plans. I would print the plans out programing,
and paste them into my lesson plan and my students
book. I even had one administrator loved it.
who told me I had to write them out.
We finally got a
In 1990, I moved to Lubbock. modem in our
Lubbock ISD had started creating classroom. The dial-up sound – the signed up for more classes at my
computer labs for their students. anticipation – the connection. It own expense. I was ready when
I was teaching in an elementary was great. I don’t really remember school started up again.
school at the time in a regular much about what we connected to It turned out to be a blessing in
classroom and was interested in – just text – but we thought it was disguise. This was elementary
the computer lab teacher position. I amazing!!! school, but I taught my kids MS
took more computer classes so that I Word, MS PowerPoint, and MS
would qualify if the position became I was working on Apple II and Excel. Parents asked me to offer
available. Apple IIe Macintosh computers. adult classes. I also started teaching
The high schools were using IBM
Sure enough, after three years, or DOS-based clones. My new at Region 17 and staff development
the position was mine. We had principal came in one day and said, classes for the district. After a few
some basic learning programs “I am going to buy a new lab of PCs, years, the district decided to replace
for the students to practice, and I and you and I are going to set them all the Mac labs in the elementary
also taught keyboarding. The best up over Christmas break. Oh, and schools. There were over 40
learning program at the time was you will need to know how to teach elementary computer lab teachers
called LOGO. The students had to on a PC when you get back from needing to be trained, and I was
learn how to program a turtle to vacation.” TOTAL PANIC TIME. ready to do it. I easily earned back
draw lines and eventually draw So, I went out and bought a PC and any money I had paid out for my
64 Lubbock Senior Link