Page 57 - Senior Link Magazine Summer 2020- Online Magazine
P. 57
Be Proactive Against Loneliness
by Jan D’Orsay
Corona virus has caused a lot of problems, and one of those problems is loneliness. Many of us have felt very isolated, separated
and alone. It has been hard. Phone calls and “virtual” visiting through Zoom, FaceTime and other formats have certainly been
helpful. How thankful we are to be able to visit more normally now, but loneliness remains a problem. Let us consider some very
practical ways to combat loneliness.
*FIND NEW FRIENDS WHO information. You can also google and fresh air. If you don’t have a pet,
SHARE AN INTEREST OR HOBBY. and find information about your you might consider adopting one.
There are many groups in our area specific interest. Again, you will
who would love new members. meet new people and will be Sometimes, isolation and depression
Such groups include photography, contributing in a significant way. combine to create levels of
model railroading, book clubs, Bible loneliness that require professional
studies, genealogy, public speaking, *GET MOVING. assistance. At times, counselling or
and astronomy, just to name a few. We know that exercise releases psychotherapy is needed. There are
I have made many friends through endorphins which raise our mood. many therapists in the Lubbock area
groups I have been involved in. Not Getting out for a walk or going to who can help. Some agencies charge
only will you meet new people, you the gym is a great way to lift our based on your ability to pay; if you
will learn new things that will enrich spirits. You will find companions feel like you need help, please reach
your life. who also enjoy exercising, and this out.
can encourage us to stay active.
*VOLUNTEER. There is also a hotline you can call:
It feels so good to reach out to *WALK YOUR DOG! Substance Abuse and Mental Health
others and make a difference in Pets can provide a lot of love, Services Administration (SAMHSA)
our world! Numerous groups fun, and companionship. Dogs National Hotline. Their number is
love volunteers – groups such and cats are especially suited 1-800-662-4357.
as the South Plains Food Bank, to be our buddies. They love us
Lubbock Meals on Wheels, hospices, unconditionally and taking care of I hope these ideas will help you
churches, hospitals, animal shelters, them gives us purpose and focus. combat loneliness. It is important
and nursing homes. There are many While walking your dog, you may to know that you are NOT ALONE,
other options. Volunteer Center of meet others who love dogs, in and there are things you can do to
Lubbock can provide additional addition to getting some exercise feel more linked with others.
Lubbock Senior Link 57