Page 44 - Senior Link Magazine Summer 2020- Online Magazine
P. 44
The Greg Goodnight Story
by Greg Goodnight
his is a story about adventure, lifestyle of dirt bike
pain, brokenness, and a search riding, local racing, and
Tfor meaning and purpose. It working in motorcycle
is also a story about God’s sovereign shops as a mechanic. It
hand on my life, even when I didn’t dominated the next 18
realize it or want it. years of my life.
I was born in Lubbock in the late Around age 30, I
1950s. My sister and I were raised on realized that life was
80 acres of farmland and had plenty about more than
of freedom to pursue our interests motorcycles, and
and passions. However, like so discovered Christianity.
many others, our home life was far I was not raised in
from perfect. My parents possessed church, so it was playing in church groups, at prayer
great individual qualities, but awkward for me, but it helped when meetings and on short term mission
dysfunction in their marriage caused I learned that God has a unique trips. As time went on, I became
a lot of problems for us. plan for each person. He used many interested in playing the harp. The
different people to help me discover instrument was intimidating to me,
My sister and I found our passions two new passions and talents that and I wondered why a guy with my
early on. She started riding horses I didn’t even know I had. One was background would even want to
and has pursued that her entire life. music, specifically the guitar. The play the harp. Now I realize it was
When I discovered motorcycles, other was creating art out of juniper God-inspired, and He has a great
I was more than just interested in and mesquite wood. sense of humor.
them; I became obsessed. I got my
first minibike on my 12th birthday, My early music and art weren’t My journey in music has been
which launched me into a full-blown that great, but the people around rewarding. I have had the
me were gracious. At first, I didn’t privilege of playing for numerous
picture myself doing much with special occasions like weddings,
either talent, but God had a different banquets, anniversaries, memorials,
idea. fundraisers, private parties, and
Christmas and church events. I have
I took guitar lessons from world- been so blessed by all the people I’ve
class classical guitarist David met through the musical gifts that
Brandon and was totally inspired. God has given me.
He taught me the finger style
method which he referred to as I was inspired to try wood-sculpting
the essence of guitar playing. by my friend J. Christopher White.
As my talent developed, I began
44 Lubbock Senior Link