Page 48 - Senior Link Magazine Summer 2020- Online Magazine
P. 48
By Gayle Willson, BC-HIS
NOTE – During this time of social distancing we offer CURB SERVICE to our patients for batteries/service/and repair
usic is such a part of began taking piano lessons at age we see it run in families. It is
my life, a part of each five and playing for her Sunday important to begin early having
Mday! Music is a part of School class at age seven. Lucy baseline testing to make note of any
my devotional time, and a part Dean plays for Western Swing changes that might be occurring,
of grieving times, a part of joyful bands, has played in Branson, even before you notice symptoms.
times and a part of social times. Missouri and even travelled with If parents or siblings have a loss, it
A part of our hearing health Shirley (Anderson) Goodness and might indicate you are a high-risk
family is a treasure of a lady who Mercy to the World Music Festival patient. Genetic or familial hearing
LOVES music, and it is reflected in Vienna, Austria. loss occurs when a gene is passed
in her piano students and her down through chromosomes. It
performances. Lucy Dean has perfect pitch, can be a dominant or recessive
meaning the band can play a chord trait, and in some cases, the person
Lucy Dean Record is from Lockney, and she knows exactly where to is only a carrier. Thirty percent of
class of 1941. She majored in music start, without the music, all of this, all hearing losses are considered
at Texas Tech, and she is now in spite of her having a genetic genetic, but many are not detected
known throughout the entire South hearing loss, as did her father and because they have not been
Plains and Panhandle area. She brother. She recognized her loss activated by other factors
when her husband, C.L. Record, Exposure to loud sounds, even as
wore hearing aids in about 1994. a young person, can damage the
She explored the possibilities of small follicles of nerve bundles
her own loss and began wearing that are our sound receptors in the
hearing aids, which improved her cochlea. Many other contributing
quality of life, professionally and factors might trigger a loss, such
personally. Lucy Dean tells me as ototoxic medications or medical
that when my dad (J. Wampler) conditions such as diabetes.
put her “first set of hearing aids on It is very important to protect
me, he gave me back the birds!” your hearing when listening to
(More of Lucy Dean’s story can music (lower the volumes), when
be found in the Spring 2018 using firearms, or when around
Senior Link, pg. 45 article by Jane sounds that can be very loud and
Bromley, and Mrs. Record’s CDs intense (such as fireworks). More
are available by contacting our information about genetic loss
office.) can be found by visiting the CDC
webpage and searching for “genetic
Genetics are a contributing factor hearing loss”.
to hearing loss. Many times,
48 Lubbock Senior Link