Page 8 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2020- Online Magazine
P. 8
This year’s scholarship banquet was held at the
Special Thanks to AimBank and United Bayer Museum of Agriculture. Robert Taylor, CEO
Supermarkets for partnering with of United Supermarkets, encouraged the group of
Senior Link to provide scholarships high school seniors to continue paying attention
and a banquet to recognize the young to their mentors. He attributed his own success to
authors as well as the mentors they people who were willing to help him along the way
chose to honor. Also a huge thanks and gave specific examples of people who went out
to Ron and Gay Herrin for helping of their way to guide him. He also thanked all of the
with setting up, tearing down and honorees who had invested in the lives of young
everything in between. people. It was inspiring for all of us to be surrounded
by so many exceptional students, devoted parents and
outstanding mentors.
8 Lubbock Senior Link