Page 66 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2020- Online Magazine
P. 66





               ed and I were pushing pretty
               hard, Ted in particular. The
         TPlainview Formby Unit
         Jubilee #5 (similar to Kairos Prison
         Ministry) was scheduled for the       Jody Boudreaux Wilson with Ted Wilson
         next weekend. We were rushing to
         our final team meeting in Littlefield.
         It was Tuesday.  Jubilee starts on   Ted slipped out of the car, raised the   Brian, leader of this Jubilee weekend
         Friday.  I was driving to allow     hood.  A few minutes passed. He     put a hand on Ted’s shoulder.  “You
         Ted to finish up his letters to the   walked around to the driver side.  I   know what? Tonya and I just came
         participants.                       moved to the passenger seat.  Ted   home from a conference in Alabama.
                                             drove us on into Littlefield.  He   We rented a car for the trip.  The car
         Sitting quietly so as not to disturb   parked in the church parking lot.  We   is not due back at the rental till noon
         Ted’s correspondence, I thought     joined our team in the church.      tomorrow.  Why don’t you take the
         the car motor sounded louder than                                       rental home tonight. Tomorrow you
         usual.  But my hearing is certainly   What a delight to see our ladies   can drive to Lubbock and check on
         not one of my most reliable senses so   bagging those beautiful cookies.    the Volvo and turn in the rental at
         I said nothing.                     Full-grown men were at a long       noon.”  Relief spread like jam across
                                             table with scissors and Scotch tape   Ted’s face.  Ted grinned, “That would
         Mile after mile I thought something   assembling the prayer chain for the   work for me.  And tomorrow is
         was amiss but I remained quiet until   weekend.  At another long table   Paul’s birthday.  He’ll be in Lubbock
         I picked up a thump, thump sound.    beautiful little girls and handsome   having lunch with our sister, Jane.
         Hmmmm.  “Ted, are you sure you      little boys were drawing pictures for   He can bring me home!”
         don’t detect something with the     the men in prison.  Out of sight!!
         engine?”  He shook his head and                                             As Ted and I headed for Plainview
         continued writing, so I continued   Ted and some of the guys talked     we were basking in the afterglow
         driving.  A few more miles down the   among themselves.  Ted called     of the detailed provision for us.  A
         road Ted turned to me, “Pull off the   AAA to tow our car to Mears Volvo   rental car available for us without
         road and don’t kill the engine.”    in Lubbock.  We were wondering      cost and a brother in Lubbock to
                                             how we were going to get back to    transport Ted home.  Awesome!
         That’s what I did.                  Plainview from Littlefield.

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