Page 65 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2020- Online Magazine
P. 65

Evelyn continued to live there     Evelyn has two daughters,
                                               independently until she was 96     four grandchildren, 12 great-

            the cows. During harvest, she      years old, driving to church on    grandchildren, and 15 great-great
                                                                                  grandchildren who all love and
            hauled cotton trailers to the gin and   Sundays and going to United for   adore her and want to pattern their
                                               groceries. She always kept busy,
            helped out with whatever needed    keeping her home perfect, both     lives after hers. During her 100th
            to be done. Having a neat and clean   inside and out. After breaking a   birthday party, she was asked
            home was very important to Evelyn,   leg at 96, going through surgery   for any advice she might want to
            and not only did she keep it that   successfully, and then rehab, only   pass along. Her words were, “Be
            way, she also had quite a green    to be released and have the same   yourself, and do the right thing.”
            thumb in both the vegetable and    thing happen again, she decided    Wouldn’t the world be a better
            flower gardens around the home.
                                               she’d be better off in an assisted   place if everyone adopted that
            W.O. and Evelyn were charter       living facility, and that is where she   philosophy? That is what 100 years
            members of Wolfforth Methodist     now resides. Being visited by her   looks like, and it’s still going strong!
            Church and attended there for over   daughters daily and family weekly
            50 years. They were very active    has been a blessing.
            in their kids’ lives and could be
            counted on to be in attendance for
            whatever school event or game
            was taking place. Family picnics
            to McKenzie Park after church on
            Sunday was a common occurrence.          RENEE' TAYLOR
            Being very astute and careful with       806.786.8787                            FIND
            their income allowed W.O. and  
            Evelyn to have a comfortable life,                     YOUR
            which included travel all across the
            U.S. and even to Europe. Although                                                HOME IN
            retirement was already being                                                     LUBBOCK,
            considered, a farming accident
            hastened the decision, and W.O. and                                              TEXAS
            Evelyn decided to move “into town”
            and did so to a house that W.O.
            completely designed and oversaw
            during its construction. It was where
            they both lived until his death
            in 2001. Although in otherwise
            perfect health, a complication after
            pneumonia took his life.

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