Page 45 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2020- Online Magazine
P. 45

leader and has stayed involved
            wherever he can. Papa Bill has
            been a gin manager for 30 years.
            Currently, he serves as Gin
            Manager at TXCOT Co-op Gins.
            He was a member on the Lubbock
            County Stock Show Board and
            Idalou Community Stock Show
            Board for many years. He was a
            member of the Idalou City Council
            and was a board chairman at the
            local Methodist Church in Vidette,
            Georgia. Bill served as a previous
            director of Southern Southeastern
            Cotton Ginners and director of
            Texas Cotton Ginners. He is the
            director of TACC, a board member
            of Crosby County ARV Tax Board
            and the Crosby County Stock Show
            Sale Committee.                    shown steers, heifers, lambs and    and grandchildren have taken on
                                               pigs. Papa Bill taught our family   different leadership opportunities
            Papa Bill has always set the best   the importance of stock showing    thanks to the precedent Papa Bill
            example for our family in so many   and to cherish the memories we     has set for us. I am very thankful I
            ways. He attended and graduated    make together. One of my favorite   was blessed enough to grow up with
            from Texas Tech University.  Both   memories growing up was getting to   such a great role.
            my parents, my siblings, and now   play dominos with my Papa Bill. Our
            myself are proud Red Raider alums   family would sit around the table for   My Papa Bill has always been one
            and students. Papa Bill had a passion   hours and play Chicken Foot, 42, and   of my biggest supporters and has
            for agriculture and majored in     84 late into the night.  Everyone now   continued to leave the best legacy
            Agronomy. Each of his children     knows how to play and has taken     for my family to follow. Anyone who
            and grandchildren have studied     the games and taught their extended   has met my grandfather knows he is
            agriculture in high school and     families. Along with the different   a great man and has always put his
            college.  He bought my dad and his   legacies he has started, the greatest   family first; that is what makes a
            sisters all their very first show pigs.   are his leadership positions over   great legacy.
            Now, most of his grandkids have    the years. So many of his children

            Article Submitted by
            Channing Shields                                            IDALOU HIGH SCHOOL

               Channing Shields is a senior at Idalou High School. Her parents are Brandon and Angela
               Shields. She enjoys showing her steers and spending time with family and friends. She
               is active in FFA, Student Council, Yearbook, and National Honor Society and plans on
               attending Texas Tech University and majoring in Agriculture Communications.

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