Page 87 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2018- Online Magazine
P. 87
korean war era
the hook was down that would grab the cable and received his Honorable
on deck to stop the planes.” The landings Discharge in May 1962.
weren’t always perfect. He recalled that
“the photographer onboard was killed when He returned to Nebraska and attended
an incoming plane hit the “Tilly” he was in Nebraska State Teachers College. He
while taking pictures.” A Tilly can be found graduated in 1962 with a BA degree
aboard each U.S. aircraft carrier. Its purpose in Education. He taught in Lebanon
is to provide support to the ship’s crash and and Bertrand, Nebraska and was the
salvage team in the event of aircraft or flight Superintendent at Maywood, Nebraska. He
deck mechanical failure. received his Master’s in 1965. In 1969, he
received his Education Doctorate Degree
Fred served the remainder of his time on from the University of Nebraska and moved
the carrier as a chaplain’s assistant. He to Texas A&I at Kingsville, Texas as a
was assigned to an attack squadron north professor. He retired from there in 1992 as
of San Diego, then to the Admiral’s Staff Professor Emeritus and moved to Bellevue,
called COMAIRPAC (commander of all Nebraska where he was the principal at Avery
carrier and flight operations in the Pacific). Elementary School. His son Larry and wife
He was released from service in May 1958 Melinda live in Lubbock. His daughter Terry
and husband Galen Gaither live in College
Station, Texas. Fred and Norma moved to
Ransom Canyon in 2007. After 58 years of
marriage, Norma passed away in 2011. He
later met Debbie Shelfer while working at
Alderson Cadillac as a shuttle driver. They
married on June 16, 2012.
Fred Harvey’s four years aboard an aircraft
carrier helped the young man grow up, but
they also prepared him to face the trials and
challenges of life. This quote by CEO John
Luke, Jr. and former Air Force pilot describes
men like Fred, “Veterans have special abilities
and common traits, including discipline,
maturity, adaptability, and dedication.
They operate with integrity and high ethical
standards in all that they do.”
Veterans, If you have
Thank You Medicare questions,
Fred went on the inaugural 2012 Texas for your service! We have answers.
South Plains Honor Flight and serves
on the Honor Flight Committee. He
described the trip as “the highlight of my We have bene ts to
life”. meet your needs.
Lubbock Senior Link 87