Page 86 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2018- Online Magazine
P. 86
Fred Harvey “Growing Up” on the USS
by Larry A. Williams
on board.” During Hornet name has a long and
his time on the proud naval history. The
Hornet, they “lost first Hornet was christened in
four men and saw 1775 and was one of the first
burial at sea.” Fred two ships in the Continental
said that duty aboard Navy. (The other was the
an aircraft carrier Wasp.) Since that time,
would “make you the Hornet and its crews
grow up in a hurry.” have served in numerous
wars, from the American
Frederick Gene Revolution to the retrieval of
Harvey was born in Apollo 11 astronauts. Young
Kearney, Nebraska Fred Harvey was aboard the
on June 23, 1935 to Hornet when his first child
Porter and Alice was born on his birthday June
Harvey. His father 23, 1955.
was a policeman
for over 30 years. Fred and his crewmates
He graduated from replaced an around-the-world
Longfellow High crew (WESTPAC) and sailed
School in 1953 where out first to Hawaii, then to
his favorite subjects Yokosuka, Japan. The ship
were “girls, Math dry-docked for one week
and Chorus.” He near Hiroshima, and Fred
ormer Yeoman 3rd Class met Norma Shafer and his crewmates could
Fred Harvey described through a mutual friend, and still see the devastation from
Fhis naval career with they married on April 10, the atomic bomb dropped
the sobering words, “Duty 1954. He attended one year by the Enola Gay in 1945 at
on the flight deck of an of college before enlisting in the end of WWII. He also
aircraft carrier was the most the Navy on May 10, 1954. He recalled sailing to Hong Kong,
dangerous place to be.” Fred was sent to San Diego for 12 Okinawa and then to Station
was aboard the USS Hornet weeks of boot camp and then Charlie where they patrolled
CVA-12 (carrier attack) when to ANP (Airman Apprentice the North and South Korean
one of the School) peninsula during the Cold
incoming AD-4 training in War. During one maneuver,
Skyraiders hit Norman, they “lost one of their four
the deck and Oklahoma screws (propellers) and had to
the “propeller for eight return to Yokosuka, Japan to
went right weeks and replace it, and that took about
through the ACA (Air four weeks.” One of his jobs
flight deck over Controller on board was working for the
my head. This School) Air Boss, who was basically
was during in Olathe, the flight deck controller in
the transition Kansas. He charge of planes taking off
period from was assigned and landing. Fred would
prop to jet to the USS “look for the incoming planes’
planes, and Hornet blinking lights on the wing
they had both CVA-12. The which let the ship know that
86 Lubbock Senior Link