Page 63 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 63

John Casper                      Integrity First, People


                                                               by Teresa Casper

                                                                                 how to take care of my soldiers.
                                                                                 And taking care of soldiers
                                                                                 never means taking it easy on
                                                                                 them. ‘People Always’  means
                                                                                 preparing yourself as a leader,
                                                                                 developing difficult and realistic
                                                                                 training scenarios for your unit,
                                                                                 evaluating the unit’s strengths,
                                                                                 addressing its weaknesses, and
                                                                                 having the emotional intelligence
                                                                                 to know when to rest or when to
                                                                                 push harder.”  Shortly after the
                                                                                 ground war phase of Operation
                                                                                 Desert Storm commenced, John’s
                                                 Following high school, John     unit loaded into Blackhawk
                                                 applied for and earned a four-  Helicopters and conducted an
                                                 year Army ROTC scholarship      air assault mission designed to
                                                 so that he could attend         go deep behind enemy fortified
                                                 college. He attended West       positions to seize key terrain
                                                 Virginia University where       for the Army’s armored and
                                                 he graduated in 1989 with       mechanized infantry that would
                                                 a degree in Political Science   later pass through the area.
                 ocal attorney and Retired       and an Army commission
                 Lt. Colonel John Casper       as an Infantry Officer. He was    Following 9/11, John was
            Lcredits his military              also recognized as a national     deployed to combat numerous
            service for instilling in him the   Distinguished Military Graduate.   times, primarily in Iraq and
            character traits and leadership    During his initial assignment as   Afghanistan, spending more
            skills essential to launching      a platoon leader, John deployed   than six years in battlefield
            a successful solo practice in      with his unit to Saudi Arabia     assignments between 2002-2012.
            Lubbock, Texas. John recalls       in August 1990 for Operation      From 2002-2004, John served
            his early years in the Army        Desert Shield.  He was part of    consecutive deployments in
            while serving as an infantry       the expeditionary force that      Kosovo, Turkey, and then Iraq,
            platoon leader in the famous       arrived soon after Iraq’s invasion   each time as an Operations
            82nd Airborne Division at Fort     of Kuwait, to prepare the way     Officer or 2nd-in-command of
            Bragg, NC (now Fort Liberty).      for follow-on forces and
            “I learned quickly that Integrity   the nation’s build-up for
            meant doing the right thing,       Desert Storm. Fighting,
            Always! Even if nobody else was    training, and living in the
            watching or would even ever        same desert conditions
                                               as his soldiers for months
            Although John was born and         at a time taught John the
            raised in New Jersey, he had       meaning of ‘Mission First,
            the upbringing of a typical West   People Always.’
            Texas kid: playing three sports    “When I was deployed
            in school and working on his       with my platoon for Desert
            uncle’s farm in the summertime.
                                               Shield, I truly learned

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