Page 60 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 60

Tommy White                          Lucky to Still Be


                                                               by Larry Williams

                                                              The Purple         enlisted in the Army on July 11,
                                                              Heart is the       1968. I did eight weeks of basic
                                                              oldest U.S.        training at Fort Polk, Louisiana.
                                                              military           After basic, I was assigned to
                                                              decoration. Its    be a Light Wheel Mechanic; my
                                                              history goes       MOS (Military Occupational
                                                              back to George     Specialty) was 63B.
                                                              who awarded        “After training, I was sent
                                                              a purple           to Ayers Kaserne at Kirch-
                                                              heart-shaped       Gons, Germany. I was in the
                                                              badge called       downtown motor pool unit
                                                              the Badge of       where we worked on all types
                                                              Military Merit.    of Army vehicles. I went there
                                                              The Purple         in January 1969 and received
                                                              Heart, as we       orders for Vietnam in June.
                                                              know it today,     Several of us were sent as
                                                              began with the     replacements for troops who
                                                              Army’s General     were finally being sent home.
                                                              Order No. 3        After my thirty-day leave, I flew
                                                              which said         out of Seattle to Cam Rahn Bay,
                                                              that it was to     Vietnam. I was assigned to the
                                                              “be awarded        Americal 1st Armored Cavalry,
                                                              to persons…        Bravo Troop, 1st Squadron. I
                                                              with wound(s)      was assigned to 3rd Platoon in
                                                              which              charge of ten tanks, including
                                                              necessitates       three M48 (Patton) tanks and
                                                              treatment by a     seven armored personnel
                                                              medical officer,   carriers (M113A). They all
                   fter being wounded                         and which          needed a lot of repair work. We
                   in Vietnam, Purple          is received in action with an     went all over, north from our
            AHeart veteran Tommy               enemy of the United States.”      home base of Chu Lai.
            White of Lubbock knows that                                          “We moved north to an area
            he’s “lucky to still be here.”     Tommy was the third child         called the ‘Pineapple Forest.’
            According to most sources, over    born to James and Marie White.    The area, shaped like a
            350,000 Purple Hearts were         His dad was a U.S. Post Office    pineapple, was a wooded area
            awarded during the Vietnam         Letter Carrier in the Ft. Worth   with rice paddies and hamlets. I
            War. However, Tommy was a          area. James “served in the        carried an M-16 rifle and a Colt
            little skeptical of some that were   Army hauling supplies for the   .45 pistol and rode on a tank.
            awarded. “I know one guy that      troops all over Europe.” His      Our Lieutenant, Don Kingery,
            just had a little cut between two   two brothers also served in the   asked me to go out on night
            of his fingers. A water buffalo    military.                         patrol. I went again the next
            gored another guy. Both guys       “I dropped out of high school     night. One of the sergeants
            received Purple Hearts.”           in my junior year. A year later, I   told me, `You’re a mechanic;

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