Page 114 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 114



       From Her Heart to

           Your Hand

             Louise Boothe

         By her daughter, Lisa Rogers

              he said, “No.” Not once, not
              twice, but three times. And
         Sfinally, a reluctant, “Yes”.
                                                      The smiles on the faces of Louis and Louise reflect the joy and optimism with
         It was 1946.  That ‘Yes’ was to a            which they faced the future and their upcoming wedding.
         date with the owner of a brand-
         new car. His name was Louis          been if she had said ‘no’ one more   In 1950,
         Boothe.  He had recently returned    time.                               their first
         from military service to help his                                        daughter,
         father build a grain elevator, which   July 23, 1928, Louise Goen was    Phillis,
         later became a part of Boothe        born in the town of Anton, only     arrived and
         Elevators.  That was the beginning   four years after it was established.    eight years
         of a lifetime of love, family, hard   Her parents had come out west      later, Lisa.
         work, and adventures around the      to manage the Forrest Lumber
         world.  Little did she know what     Company.  They knew and             Through
         that ‘yes’ would lead to, and she still   approved of Louis even before she   the years,
         wonders what her life would have     did.                                the Boothes
                                                                                  were involved in church ministries,
                                                     Louis and Louise were        school events, Study Club, and
                                                     married on September         travel to exotic destinations.  Louis
                                                     14, 1947, at her uncle’s     served as mayor of Anton for many
                                                     house in Lubbock.  Louis     years.
                                                     had promised to take her
                                                     to Niagara Falls for their   However, life took a tragic turn
                                                     honeymoon, but they ended    in 1991 when Louis passed away
                                                     up going in the opposite     after a fall at the grain elevator.
                                                     direction … to San Diego,    Louise entered an unexpected
                                                     California!  Their trip      season, but that didn’t stop her.
                                                     was cut short when they      She continued to travel and be
                                                     received a wire from his     a part of the community … and
                                                     dad requesting him to come   her crochet needle began to spin.
                                                     home and help with the       Her handiwork has consisted of
                                                     harvest.  It was the busiest   baby blankets and scarves, but her
                                                     time of the year, a fact     focus the past few years has been
                                                     Louis conveniently ‘forgot’   potholders.
                                                     to mention before the
           A garden setting was the background for Louise’s 95th   wedding.       Family and friends have given and
           birthday celebration last July                                         received them as ‘I love you’s and

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