Page 117 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 117


                                                                                       ALS with resilience and
                                                                                       grace, Rebecca would like
                                                                                       to acknowledge Broadway
                                                                                       Church of Christ and the
                                                                                       “army of prayer warriors”
                                                                                       standing in the gap,
                                                                                       providing additional aid,
                                                                                       words of encouragement,
                                                                                       unconditional love, and
                                                                                       prayers for hopefully, one
         Despite the challenges posed by her condition, Rebecca   day, a cure for this debilitating condition.
         not only maintains her sense of humor but actively
         remains engaged in the ALS community, finding solace   Rebecca's legacy, which she is currently building, along
         and assistance through the West Texas ALS Support    with her and Tim’s love story, serves as a reminder
         Group which meets monthly at Lake Ridge Chapel       that even in the darkest of times, the human spirit,
         and Memorial Designers. There, she finds camaraderie   with a guiding light from above, consistent tenacity,
         among fellow ALS warriors, along with their families,   love, understanding, and kindness from one another
         sharing experiences, offering encouragement, and     and those around them, has the power to shine ever so
         finding comfort in knowing she is not alone in her   brightly.
         journey. Her presence with Tim by her side brings a
         calming presence to all who attend.                  Meeting her has changed my life. Seeing her thrive
                                                              through all the adversity encourages me to be thankful
         Rebecca and her family also actively participate in   for all I have and brings to light the smaller things we
         fundraising events organized by the West Texas ALS   take for granted. Unknowingly, Rebecca Talley has
         Support Group each year. Their involvement not       impacted many and has become an inspiration to us all.
         only raises vital funds for ALS research, well-needed
         supplies and equipment, and support services but also
         serves as a testament to their unwavering commitment
         to making a difference in the lives of others affected by
         the disease.

         What truly sets Rebecca apart is her infectious smile
         and unwavering positivity, which radiate warmth and
         joy to all who cross her path. Despite the challenges she
         faces, her spirit remains unbroken, and her resilience
         serves as a beacon of hope for others facing similar          Your support allows us to provide mini-grants for equipment
         struggles.                                                     and services not covered by insurance, monthly support
                                                                        group meetings and education, as well as other support
         In the face of adversity, Rebecca Talley's journey is a          services that are necessary for battling this disease.
         testament to the power of love and grace. Through the
         unwavering support of her family, active engagement           For more information on how to support the West Texas ALS
         in the ALS community, and infectious positivity,                         Support Group, please visit
         she continues to bless and inspire all who have the            
         privilege of knowing her. As she navigates life with

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