Page 118 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 118

SENIOR RESOURCES                                                        SENIOR RESOURCES

                                SUPPORT GROUPS AVAILABLE

                for People Living with Alzheimer’s

                                   and Their Caregivers

              or those who have an           meetings across the United States.   House| 5:30pm-7:00pm 1717 Norfolk
              Alzheimer’s diagnosis, or      I volunteer with the Alzheimer’s     Ave. | 2nd Thursday of every month
         Fhave a family member living        Association because I want to        ● Primrose Retirement Community |
         with the disease, life can sometimes   provide resources and support for   1:00pm-3:00pm | 10003 Upland Ave.
         feel overwhelming and isolating.    families who are going through their   | 4th Thursday of every month
         Caring for someone with Alzheimer’s   Alzheimer’s journey. No one should   ● Frontotemporal Dementia (FTD)
         disease or another form of dementia   do it alone.”                      Caregiver Support Group | 4:00pm-
         can present exhausting challenges                                        5:00pm | 6630 Quaker Ave. | 3rd
         that can take a significant toll on   “A Circle of Friendship” support   Wednesday of every month
         caregivers’ physical and mental     group meets on the second Thursday   ● Caregiver Support Group, The Isle
         health.                             of every month at 5:30 p.m. at       at Raider Ranch | 5:30pm-6:30pm |
                                             Carillon House on 1717 Norfolk       6806 43rd Street | 2nd Thursday of
         “More than 459,000 Texans are living   Ave. in Lubbock. To learn more or to   every month
         with Alzheimer’s disease,” said     register, please call (800) 272-3900.  ● Care Adapt & Relief by Engaging
         Valerie Sanchez, executive director                                      Support: (TX-CARES) | 6630 Quaker
         of the Alzheimer’s Association West   Finding a support group to share   Ave. | Weekly by Appointment
         Texas. “We have over 1 million      stories with, seek advice from,      ● Creative Minds: ESSE Program
         caregivers in the state of Texas who   or simply have other caregivers   6630 Quaker Ave. | Weekly by
         provided 1.5 billion hours of unpaid   available to listen on a regular basis   Appointment
         care last year.”                    can help lower stress and alleviate
                                             the health risks that dementia       If you or someone you know
         Support groups can give caregivers   caregivers may face.                is dealing with Alzheimer’s or
         the assistance and reassurance they                                      another form of dementia, please
         might need to manage stress and take   Support groups also provide       call (800) 272-3900. The Alzheimer’s
         time for their own much-needed care.   information on community resources   Association 24/7 helpline is available
         Alzheimer’s Association caregiver   for Alzheimer’s education, local     for free, in over 200 languages.
         support groups provide a consistent   facilities and services caregivers
         and caring place for people to learn,   may need, and other programs and
         share, and gain emotional support   information
         from others who are also on the     that can ease
         unique journey of caring for someone   the workload.
         living with Alzheimer’s disease.
         “Alzheimer's is a debilitating disease   programs
         that can affect anyone. We need to   and services
         be mindful and focus on the person   are free to the
         who is afflicted,” said Barbara Singer,   public:
         a Support Group Facilitator with
         “A Circle of Friendship” support    ● A Circle of
         group. “The Alzheimer’s Association   Friendship,
         provides free support group         Carillon

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