Page 116 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 116



         A Portrait
         of  Grace and Resilience

         in the Face of ALS

          Rebecca Talley

         By Laura Landes

               aised in Thailand by           devoted husband, Tim, and their     With unwavering dedication, he
               missionary parents who         loving children, exemplifies strength   tends to her needs with compassion
         Rtaught her to treat everyone        in the face of adversity. “I always   and tenderness, ensuring that
         as created equal, to embrace what    loved my independence.  Now,        she feels loved, appreciated, and
         life gives you with strength and     I have to depend on others to do    cherished every step of the way.
         fortitude, and to give endlessly     everything for me.  But I have
         and selflessly, Rebecca Talley       come to realize that I was never    Rebecca was eager to share the
         experienced firsthand the power of   independent; God was always in      magnitude of Tim’s unconditional
         prayer and compassion. Because       control. It was my ALS that brought   love. “’To have and to hold from this
         of her upbringing and spirituality,   me to my knees and to my senses.   day forward, for better, for worse,
         when she was diagnosed with          For that, I am eternally grateful.”   for richer, for poorer, in sickness
         ALS in 2019, her journey has not                                         and in health, to this we solemnly
         been defined by despair but by a     ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis)   vow.’  When Tim said these words
         remarkable display of dignity and    is a debilitating neurodegenerative   to me on our wedding day 45 years
         grace.                               disease that gradually paralyzes its   ago, he had no idea what he was
                                              victims. Yet, despite its challenges,   getting into; otherwise, he might
         Afflicted with a disease that        Rebecca confronts each day with     have backed out! But he has kept
         progressively robs her of motor      unwavering courage and a radiant    his vows. Tim has cherished me
         functions, Rebecca, alongside her    smile that brightens the lives of   and loved me through this journey.
                                                              those around        We spend a lot of time laughing.
                                                              her. Her positive   Unfortunately, I laugh like a drunk
                                                              outlook and         mule, but even with the hee-hawing,
                                                              tenacious spirit    I never sense any regret from him
                                                              inspire all who     for having taken these vows. His
                                                              have the privilege   love is tender and full of joy. That’s
                                                              of knowing her.     why I’m full of joy.”

                                                              At the heart of     Their children, too, play an integral
                                                              Rebecca's journey   role in Rebecca's care, providing
                                                              is her unwavering   love and assistance whenever
                                                              support system,     needed. Their selflessness and
                                                              anchored by her     compassion mirror the strength
                                                              devoted husband,    and resilience instilled by their
                                                              Tim. His steadfast   parents, creating a family bond that
                                                              commitment to       transcends the limitations imposed
                                                              Rebecca's care is a   by ALS. Her church family has also
       From Left to Right : Bryan & Elizabeth Harrison with daughters Annabelle,
       Mary Katherine and Sabrine, Tim & Rebecca Talley, Abigail & Morgan Davis   testament to their   been a beacon of hope.
       with children John Wallace and Evelyn, Deb & Josh Kirby with Aletheia Kirby  enduring love.

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