Page 110 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 110

Department of Defense, who        cockpit, a battle is
            managed both the Thunderbirds     raging with stick
            (Air Force) and Blue Angels       and rudder, as
            (Navy). We flew around 70 trips   the pilot works to
            during the February through       keep the aircraft
            November flying season.”          in the proper
                                              position. Clear air
            The team’s practice area,         turbulence over
            Thunderbird Lake, lies within the   a show site can
            restricted airspace of the gunnery   be described as a
            ranges northwest of Nellis AFB.   shaking, pounding,
            Nellis operations require a vast,   hammering
            controlled airspace from which    sensation that
            all other planes are barred from   forces the aircraft
            flying. This restricted area is   to go where you do                 wing and was flying behind
            the “training camp” for all new   not want it to go! The diamond     the diamond as an observer on
            pilots who join the team. With the   formation is often like a car   my last flight. It was a clear day
            grueling G forces that are pulled   forced to rush at breakneck speed   over Thunderbird Lake, and the
            and held in 360 degree turns and   over a road full of ruts, potholes,   team had had a very successful
            the constant back stick pressure   and ditches.”                     practice. The last maneuver
            that is required from 200 to 600                                     was the “pitch up to land”—
            knots in the diamond formation,   Because the show requires          where each member pitches
            there is constant movement of the   the ultimate in precision, the   up in one-second intervals for
            stick, rudders, and throttle to stay   slightest change can cause a major   landing. This provides some
            in formation. Homer once made     problem. For instance: “This       separation between each aircraft
            a movie of his movements during   happened in a show during a        while landing. All members had
            a roll. He was surprised to see   change from the diamond to trail   acknowledged the pitch up. I
            his feet on the rudders, his right   formation. After Robby made     was still flying in the trail of the
            hand on the flying control stick,   the call to change, I (on the right   diamond and saw a blur between
            and his left hand on the throttle—  wing) and Willie (on the left    two of the aircraft. The timing
            all in motion, and all moving in   wing) were moving into the trail   was off between John, the slot
            different circles.                position. Robby’s aircraft was     pilot, and Chuck, the right wing.
                                              pulled up by a turbulent draft
            “The canyon walls of              and caught my left wing bending    John caught Chuck on the front of
            Thunderbird Lake absorb the       the wing tip—three feet straight   his aircraft and tore off his pilot
            sounds of afterburners going      up. I told Robby what happened,    boom—which shows air speed in
            off during practice sessions.     but the aircraft was flying OK,    the cockpit. Since Chuck did not
            The radio transmissions ring      so Robby decided to finish the     have a readable airspeed, Willie,
            out: ‘nose coming up,’ ‘and       show with the bomb burst. After    on the left wing, came over,
            the pull,’ ‘smoke on now,’ AB     landing, I taxied behind a hangar   and Chuck flew on his wing,
            (afterburner) now,’ ‘rolling right,’   so the public would not see the   back to Nellis. I caught up with
            ‘smoke on,’ ‘smoke off,’ ‘pitch up   bent-up wing. The maintenance   John's aircraft and observed his
            left—acknowledge,’ ‘two left,’    team immediately replaced the      vertical stabilizer (rudder) was
            ‘three left,’ ‘four left,’ all coming   36-inch wing tip with a new one.   gone when he hit the right-wing
            from the leader as he directs the   Hardly anyone noticed, even      aircraft. We climbed to 22,000 feet
            greatest shows on Earth!          though it had not been painted     to check the aircraft to see how
                                              red, white, and blue.”             it would fly on landing. When
            “From the ground, observers are                                      he lowered the landing gear,
            astounded by the four gleaming    On another occasion: “I finished   the aircraft went into a violent
            aircraft gracefully sliding and   my normal tour on the right        spin. John tried to recover from
            gliding through the air. But in the                                  the spin by reducing the throttle

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