Page 7 - Senior Link Magazine Summer 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 7

Along with   “As retirement approached, I was searching
                                                  OLLI, the    for opportunities for community engagement,
                                                  Museum       educational experiences, and activities to keep my social
                                                  of Texas     network active,” said Diana Melcher, OLLI Member.
                                                  Tech, the    “OLLI at Texas Tech was exactly what I was looking for.
                                                  National     Classes and cultural offerings are designed to satisfy a
                                                  Ranching     variety of interests and to fit my schedule. No tests, no
                                                  Heritage     grades, no homework — just learning for the fun of it!”
                                                  Texas        OLLI will hold its Fall Kickoff event August 13th at 5:30
         Tech Press, and the Texas Tech Center at Junction, are   p.m. in the McKenzie Merket Alumni Center. This event
         also organized under Outreach and Engagement. We      is a wonderful way to socialize with others and learn
         look forward to integrating these partners into our   about OLLI and its many learning opportunities. We
         curriculum. This summer, we are planning a walk-      will welcome Marsha Sharp as our guest speaker for
         through of the Recent Quilt Acquisitions exhibit at the   the night for a special Q&A session. Tickets are $35 and
         museum and a Living History experience at the National   will be available for purchase starting July 15th on our
         Ranching Heritage Center, and this fall, we plan to bring   website or by calling our office: (806) 742-6554.
         in Texas Tech Press authors to speak about their recent   So why not embark on a new adventure with OLLI?
                                                               Whether you're eager to delve into the mysteries of
         OLLI offers interesting classes in a variety of topics, and   ancient history or explore the wonders of modern
         our staff has worked hard to bring new ideas into the   technology, there's a world of learning waiting for you
         OLLI classroom, such as: Artificial Intelligence, the Texas   at OLLI. Embrace the joy of lifelong learning – join OLLI
         Tech Canine Olfaction Lab, a tour of the new Lubbock   today and discover the endless possibilities that await.
         Police headquarters, and so much more. Your annual
         membership fee gives you access to our classes and
         other benefits from our community partners.

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