Page 3 - Senior Link Magazine Summer 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 3



              Welcome to Summer! A high school senior in our household has our family      from
              particularly intent on a summer full of memory building. A special vacation,
              multiple camps, lazy afternoons at the pool, and other purposeful ways to enjoy
              one another are all in the plans before we send our oldest off to college.   the
              This issue has come together so beautifully, even though it was completely   publisher
              unscripted. When I met with a group from OLLI a few months ago and marveled
              at the catalog of classes they offered, it occurred to me that our community is rich
              in the opportunities it affords. Our cover features representatives of several Texas
              Tech organizations who provide many activities for our Senior population to enjoy
              over the summer. The backdrop of the impressive National
              Ranching Heritage Center suggests just one example of a
              unique setting to learn and grow. Many of the activities you
              will discover in this issue are perfectly suited to be shared
              with grandchildren or other youngsters you know.
              In addition to all the Texas Tech organizations represented in
              this issue, you will find stories of other groups who make our
              city special: The Lubbock Women’s Club, the Caprock Classic
              Car Club, the LCU Associates, and many more. Organizations
              are valuable because they are like glue—keeping people
              connected. As always, this issue also includes stories of
              individual West Texans who contribute to making our
              community remarkable.
              With every Senior Link issue, I marvel at the value of
              “community” and of the importance of finding your place in
              it. This one highlights just a few of the many opportunities to
              discover that place. OLLI classes are a great avenue to explore
              so many interesting subjects. If you like to sing, check out
              the Lubbock Chorale; Are you interested in cars? Look into
              the Caprock Classic Car Club; Do you love traveling? Head
              to Ruidoso or take a trip with King’s Highway. Make some fun summer memories by taking in a show at Moonlight
              Musicals, the Buddy Holly Hall, and  Ragtown Gospel Theatre. And volunteering is always rewarding—call Meals on
              Wheels or maybe a local hospice.
              Summer is a wonderful time to connect with like-minded folks, find your place in our great community, and build
              friendships and relationships. And it’s always the season to make new memories with your kids and grandkids.
              At Senior Link, we often rely on our advertisers to provide resource articles. As I say in every issue—please take time
              to thank them. Additionally, we rely on our readers for contributions. We have added Marita Tedder to our list of
              regular contributors as she has a wealth of knowledge for “encouraging and equipping women over 60 to live their
              best lives.” (See her introduction on page 39.) We welcome you to write as well. If you have someone to honor or a
              story to tell, please reach out—we want to hear from you!
              Have a great summer and look forward with us to the Fall Veterans issue that is already in the works!
                                                                                                Erin Agee

                                       The Mission of Senior Link

                        Our mission is to tell the stories of local seniors, not only to honor them,
                      but also to inspire and challenge younger generations. We endeavor to link
                      seniors with the resources they need to ensure quality of life. We believe in
                       the strength of the chain, in linking with one another, and in linking all of
                       us to information which can enhance our lives. We recognize the value of
                                  every season of life and the uniqueness of every story.
                                  Senior Link’s mission rests in the power of connection.
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