Page 4 - Senior Link Magazine Summer 2024 - Online Magazine
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Lubbock Senior Link Magazine is a quarterly publication distributed in
Lubbock and the surrounding areas. Visit for 06 OLLI — Learning for the Fun of It
distribution maps and past editions.
08 National Ranching Heritage
Erin Agee Jane Bromley 10 Exploring the Museum of
Marilyn Garrett Texas Tech University
DESIGN 12 Texas Tech University Press:
Taylor Lindstrom COVER PHOTOGRAPHY Connecting Authors, Readers, and the
Brad Agee West Texas Literary Community
14 Texas Tech–Junction Center—
Gold(en Opportunity) in the Hills
CONTRIBUTORS 27 Red Raiders at the Races in
Erin Agee, Diana Wilkinson, Allison Roberts, Dr. Aaron D. Pan, Laura Ruidoso
Ray, Robert Stubblefield, Christiana McCourt, June Hogue, Kara
Copeland, Cheryl Goforth, Curt Langford, Sheila Dye, Gayle Willson,
Dr. Joseph Wolcott, Laura Landes, Marita Tedder, Chip Polk, Randall
Hinds, LaVila Henry, John Castro, Lee Franks, Sheila Patterson Harris,
Christy Reeves, Gwen Morgan, Tiana Hayslip, Barbara Gilley, Jarrod A YOUTHFUL PERSPECTIVE
Dugger, Jane Bromley, Tinsley Drake, Lowell Bridges, Kimm Hastey,
Ted Wilson, Sam Foncham, Anna Delano, Vickie Walters, Jill Rinehart 16 Learning in Totality
62 Gracefully Loving and Leading—
Holly Betenbough
Representatives of the Osher Life-
Long Learning Institute, the National MUSIC & ART
Ranching Heritage Association, the 19 Make a Moonlight Musical Memory
Texas Tech Museum, and the TTU Press
came together to highlight efforts by the 24 Brushed By Color—Dyan Newton
university to connect area communities 41 The Reckoning—An Overlooked
with opportunities to find solutions, foster Turning Point in History
growth, and facilitate partnerships to
enhance all of our lives. 44 The Magic of the Lubbock Chorale
68 A Song in His Heart: Kelly Hastey
Copyright 2024 Lubbock Senior Link Magazine. All rights reserved. Every effort is made
to ensure the accuracy of all published material. We reserve the right to reject or edit all 76 Q&A with The Cher Show’s
material contributed. Your letters and comments are welcomed and encouraged. Catherine Ariale (Lady)
Want the next issue
in your mailbox? THE FRIENDSHIP FACTOR
SUBSCRIBE! 20 The Lubbock Women’s Club: Historic
$6.25 PER ISSUE, $25 PER YEAR Home and Center of Community Activity
30 LCU Associates—Intentional Purpose,
For advertising information or to subscribe, call/email Heartfelt Service
(806) 441-3955 46 Unexpected Bonus
Mail inquiries to 48 Car Club Fun
4813 103rd St, Lubbock, TX 79424