Page 91 - Senior Link Magazine Winter 2023 - Online Magazine
P. 91


        In October, we always take a large   November is always our Branson      allow us to get out for a day and
        group to the fabulous Albuquerque   Christmas tour. We schedule          experience things happening in
        Balloon Fiesta the first weekend it   various musical shows and always   our own back yard (or nearby)!  I
        begins.                             take the group to the Sight and      always post all of our day trips
                                            Sound Theater. There is never an     (spring and fall) on our Facebook
        Then, a few days later, we leave on   average show in Branson!           page and our website.  After tour
        our fall foliage tour, which will be                                     brochures are mailed (hopefully at
        to Nova Scotia and Prince Edward    In December, we plan a               the end of December), I will add
        Island next year. As we make our    “Christmas Tour,” but we do          the tours to our website as well.
        way to Canada, we will spend some   not usually start planning it until   If you are interested in receiving
        time in Connecticut and Maine,      August or September when cities      a tour brochure, please call our
        with two nights in Bar Harbor. After   start advertising their Christmas   office 806-863-3867 or email office@
        crossing into Canada, a step on     events. This is a short three-to-four- We
        guide will give us a tour of Halifax   day trip. We are hoping to add more   will need your name and mailing
        and Peggy’s Cove. Then we will      short trips in May and September     address.
        move on to Prince Edward Island,    of next year. Keep checking our
        where we will enjoy a tour of the   website for updates!                 King’s Highway will celebrate 27
        Anne of Green Gables author’s                                            years of charters and tours next year,
        museum and home, the lighthouses    We are also planning for three       and we hope you will join us on
        of PEI, and possibly a special cheese   daytrips in the spring and two to   some or all our travels!
        lady. After leaving Canada, we will   three in the fall.  These daytrips
        again spend time in Maine.          are like field trips for adults and

                Tom Walters Inc.
                                                       Contact us for information on our day
                13001 FM 179
                                                           trips and tours or check out our
                Wolfforth, TX  79382
                                                                   Like us on Facebook
                1-888-420-3188 fax             

                1-888-332-4315 toll free

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