Page 93 - Senior Link Magazine Winter 2023 - Online Magazine
P. 93


          The stories in this issue—such as the one about a    volunteer at Meals on Wheels, SP Food Bank, the
          group of artists who are also friends and the one    Dream Center, or the Boys and Girls Club. Maybe
          about Lubbock’s century old music guild—speak to     you don’t get out as much anymore, but you write
          the value of interacting with people who share our   cards to old friends, make phone calls to new ones,
          interests. Our extended families, our neighborhoods,   and text your grandchildren. Think about your
          our workplaces, and our churches are more than just   communities and how much they need you. You are
          random groups of people. They are gifts, not only to   the only one on the planet with your unique gifts.
          help us live longer lives, but to ensure that we want   You bring something no one else can.
                                                               And then think about how much you need your
          Your communities are as unique as you are, as        communities. Embrace them. Be thankful for them.
          Elizabeth Matthews discovered. Your favorite         Invest in them. They are your ticket to a long happy
          one might meet at the UMC Activities Center,         life.
          on the pickleball court, or at the coffee shop at
          Martketstreet. Perhaps it’s a book club, a Bible study,
          road trips with King’s Highway, or fun activities
          with the LakeRidge Ladies & Men. Maybe you

       THERE ARE


       WAYS TO

      1     VISIT

      2     CALL

      3     MAIL

            Texas Tech Alumni Association
            P.O. Box 45001
            Lubbock, TX 79409-5001

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