Page 98 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2023 - Online Magazine
P. 98
we were humbled and honored
to witness, oversee, and capture
on video, the beauty of his Being part of such a monumental event
landing, the Water Bridge of impacted my life in a very profound
Honor, and the U.S. Navy Honor way. Because my husband is in law
Guard, which carried Harvey’s enforcement, I have a deep appreciation
casketed remains from the for all those who risk their lives to serve
aircraft safely into our care. With and protect, in any capacity. Similarly, I
silent salutes, hands over hearts, have always been grateful for the sacrifices
and not a dry eye on the tarmac, that our veterans have made, and that
EM1 Harvey Christopher Herber the military continues to make for our
was finally home. country. But it was Harvey Herber who
helped me truly understand the depth and
The following day, March 24, magnitude of the meaning of "sacrifice."
2023, escorted by the Patriot
Guard Riders and several It is with a humble heart, that I extend
members of law enforcement, my deepest appreciation to my dear friend
we, along with Jerry and his and family member, Jerry Johnson, Sr.,
family, proceeded to what would for allowing us to play such a special
become Harvey’s final resting role in his journey—to celebrate, honor,
place. On arrival, we were met and finally bring peace and rest to EM1
with many military members, Harvey Christopher Herber, at last
both active and retired, members fulfilling a 60-year-old promise. May
of the VFW, members of local law God bless the Johnson, Herber, and Heath
enforcement, and many others. families.
The silent reverence displayed by
all who gathered that day, as the
Honor Guard carried the casket
to the graveside, followed by the
family, was unimaginable. Watch the
Our very own Eddie Fitzgerald MeMorial
began the celebration, service
ministering to the family and
those in attendance, followed
by Rear Admiral Mike Brown,
who gave a haunting recount
of Harvey’s life aboard the USS
Oklahoma and the details of that
fateful day. Admiral Brown
had flown from the Pentagon
a couple of days prior, to meet
with Jerry, learn more about their
family, and ensure that Harvey
would finally receive the military
burial honors that he so rightfully
deserved. To quote Admiral
Brown, “Harvey began his life in
Washington State, ended his life
in Hawaii, but now, he’s a Son of
98 Lubbock Senior Link