Page 96 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2023 - Online Magazine
P. 96

Harvey Herber
                                                               A 60-Year-Old Promise

                                                               by Laura Landes (LakeRidge Chapel and Memorial Designers)

                                                                                    of his baby brother being
                                                                                    unaccounted for continued to
                                                                                    plague him.

                                                                                    William had a family of his
                                                                                    own, and due to extenuating
                                                                                    circumstances, he eventually
                                                                                    became the sole guardian of
                                                                                    his grandson, Jerry Johnson.
                                                                                    During their time together,
                                                                                    William shared with Jerry
                                                                                    the story of his brother and
                                                                                    how it had impacted him
                                                     Jerry Johnson, Sr.             most of his life. Jerry, even as
                                                                                    a young man, could not bear
                                                   Japanese Aircraft. One ship,     the thought of the deep-seated
                                                   the USS Oklahoma (BB-37),     pain his grandfather suffered,
                                                   recently equipped with        not having his brother properly
                                                   anti-torpedo bulges on her    laid to rest. After all, this man of
              EM1 Harvey Christopher Herber        sides, was able to survive    modest means was sacrificing
                                                   the first two torpedo strikes,   so much to care for him in his
                   arvey Christopher               yet regretfully, was unable   parents’ absence.
                   Herber was the youngest     to withstand the six additional
            Hof six children, born             hits that followed, causing her   At the age of 14, Jerry Johnson
            to George and Rachel (Lund)        to capsize on her port (left) side   made a promise to his
            Herber, in Tacoma, WA. In 1921,    within 12 minutes. Sadly, the     grandfather that he would
            at the ripe age of 21, Harvey      USS Oklahoma, which had been      somehow, one day, find the
            decided to enlist in the US Navy,   Harvey’s home since September    remains of his great uncle
            where, after attending boot camp,   30, 1930, now became his grave.   Harvey and bring him home to
            he received specialty training as   EM1 Harvey Christopher Herber,   his family where he could be
            an Electrician’s Mate. This was    alongside 400 of his shipmates,   properly honored and be able to
            an extremely ambitious choice      took his final breath, as the USS   rest in peace. Now 60 years later,
            of career, as EMs are responsible   Oklahoma slowly descended,       this promise has finally come to
            for the electrical system that     becoming a watery tomb.           fruition.
            every ship relies upon to operate
            properly. The magnitude of         Loss is difficult for any family,   Jerry grew to adulthood, married,
            the electrical system needed       but a loss laden with such        had children of his own, and like
            to successfully maintain a         tragedy was overly devastating    his great uncle, proudly served
            ship’s needs can equate to that    to the families of those fallen   his country. He never forgot
            of a small city. Harvey was        sailors. It deeply affected the   the promise he had made to his
            dedicated to his skillset and his   Herber family, especially William   grandfather before his passing
            responsibilities and was proud to   Herber, the eldest of the siblings.   so many years before, and he
            serve his country in this capacity,   Unable to see his brother again or   made it his mission to stay true
            quickly advancing to 1st Class.    provide proper active-duty burial   to his word. Because of this, he
                                               rights took its toll on William’s   dedicated much of his life to this
            On the morning of December         mental and emotional health. The   sacred task.
            7, 1941, the US Navy fleet on      years passed. William lost his
            “Battleship Row” at Pearl Harbor   parents, and eventually, his other   Jerry knew the two-year
            was attacked by carrier-based      siblings, and still, the thought   endeavor of righting the USS

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