Page 38 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2023 - Online Magazine
P. 38


             The Influence

             Mrs. Traci Burnett

                                                                                             by Ash Strickland

                                             Meeting Mrs. Burnett was surreal.   Today, I am significantly less
                                             I recall being so anxious about the   hesitant to accept change and meet
                                             entire ordeal that I was shaking    new people. I no longer feel dread
                                             and unable to speak. I began to     at the thought of speaking to those
                                             calm down when I realized she was   around me. Mrs. Burnett allowed
                                             making eye contact and offering     me to have more opportunities in
                                             patience and understanding. Not     life and to experience them fully.
                                             once did she rush me, nor did she
                                             grow irritated by my reluctance to   Mrs. Traci Burnett spent all her
                                             speak up.                           thirty years as a teacher at Sundown
                                                                                 ISD. She was a part of the G/T
                                             After I was approved for Apollo, I   committee at Sundown ten years
                                             was provided with chances to get to   before she began to teach Apollo.
                                             know my new classmates. This was    She taught the Apollo class for
               he day I was told that I would   possible because of the classroom   six years before she retired. When
               be tested to be placed in my   in which Mrs. Burnett taught us. It   asked what her favorite part of
         Tschool’s gifted and talented       was a comfortable environment in    teaching the class was, Mrs. Burnett
         program, Apollo, I was hesitant. I   which our well-being and learning   told me:
         remember crying and begging my      ability was always her priority. As
         dad to tell the school not to allow   time progressed, we were expected   “It’s difficult to decide what my
         me to be in the program because I   to give speeches increasingly       favorite part of teaching Apollo was.
         was afraid. Being in the program    often. The same anxiety I felt at   However, I do think it has to be
         would mean my entire schedule       the beginning came back when the    getting to see you all learn to work
         would change, and I would be put    speeches began, but Mrs. Burnett    as a team, developing academic
         with members of a group that I      worked with me and gave me tips     relationships, and directing what
         did not know. I did not want to be   on how to feel more at ease.       your own learning would be.  You
         with a different group of people                                        all amazed me with your creativity,
         because I found it nearly impossible   She told me to make eye contact   ingenuity, intelligence, and sense of
         to talk to new people. The          and focus on my topic, rather than   humor.”
         thought of sitting down with the    on the audience itself. Eventually,
         Apollo teacher, Mrs. Burnett, and   the nervousness decreased, and I    Any of her students would tell you
         speaking with her one-on-one as     became confident talking before     that her passion for our learning
         she evaluated my intelligence and   an audience. This increased my      and initiative drove the class.
         creativity terrified me. However, my   confidence in speaking to people   We were motivated every day by
         dad’s mind was set.                 my own age as well as to teachers.   her trust in us to make our own

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