Page 24 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2023 - Online Magazine
P. 24
Larry Isaac
Leaving a Legacy
at EHS
by Kennedy Edwards
A true local man, he was born important things,¨ stated Mr.
and raised here in Lubbock, Isaac, so it makes sense that he
Texas. He attended both high has ended up in an education
school and college here—at career.
Estacado High School, then
Texas Tech. In both high Character, communication, and
school and college, he played community are just a few of his
football and even got a strengths. When I interviewed
football scholarship which led him, one of his quotes really stuck
him to Tech. After attending with me. He stated, ¨I am here for
Texas Tech, he had a chance to not only the youth but everybody
go to Canada and play some around here. I do a lot of things
Canadian football, which was that involve all sorts of people.
a huge opportunity. He took Building good communication
that chance but later came and a sense of community with
back to his hometown. these people not only benefits you
in the long run but it is good for
Estacado is a huge part of his others as well.¨
legacy. I already mentioned
he spent his youth there, but A true leader is someone who
a large part of his adult life leads by example and exhibits
hen thinking about has been here as well. Ever essential qualities of leadership,
like trying to encourage others
great leaders in my since he was involved in football, to be their best. That defines Mr.
Wcommunity, one specific he wanted to become a coach. So, Isaac’s character perfectly.
person came to mind. That would when given the chance, he came
be Mr. Isaac (formally known to work at “the E” and has been Mr. Isaac has such a huge impact
as Larry Isaac). He has been at here ever since. For 22 years, he not only on me but also on so
Estacado High School for more has been working at a school that many others. I didn’t meet Mr.
than two decades, spreading his he loves and graduated from. Isaac until my freshman year here
wisdom and showing leadership. ¨Education is one of the most at Estacado, and ever since then
24 Lubbock Senior Link