Page 19 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2023 - Online Magazine
P. 19
He graduated Regional
in 1997 and Director of
moved back the Texas
to Lubbock Defense
where he Force.
started his
first practice I am so
in a small 500 grateful
square foot God gave
office. At that me the dad I
same time, he have. He has
was also going wisdom for
to the First every turn
Church of the I take and
Nazarene. open arms
One day, he for every
was late to mistake. He
church and knows how
thought he to make
would really people laugh
like to go to and feel
a Spanish welcomed.
service. While he was walking down the hall, he started He never settles into the place he is because he is always
hearing Spanish! After checking it out, he was introduced trying to become better for me and my five siblings. He
to the FCN Spanish pastor and his wife, Pedro and Justita lives a fruitful life full of merit and love. He loves God
Cruz. Soon enough, he was going there regularly! My and loves people, and I hope to follow in his footsteps.
father met my mom who had come here from Puerto
Rico. After just a couple of months, they were engaged,
and soon they were married.
Since then, my dad has continued with his practice
helping people for more than 25 years–even the ones
who thought they couldn't find help. He has had patients
who could not get pregnant or patients who had not been
able to carry their babies to term. However, through the
knowledge God has blessed him with, my father has been
able to help them! My mom was one of his first success
stories and has birthed six healthy children.
In addition, from 2003 to 2019, my dad has studied and
taught martial arts. He has served in the Texas State
Guard as Captain Danforth and is now West Texas
Article Submitted by
Rachell Danforth
Rachell Lynn Danforth is a senior
in the homeschool community.
She danced for 14 years and loves
anything she can get her hands
on–from music to art to cooking
and even gardening. She wants to
explore the world and eventually
be an at home mama.
Lubbock Senior Link 19