Page 92 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2022 - Online Magazine
P. 92

Ray Estill                  WWII Era Veteran/

                                                               Life-long Pharmacist

                                                               by Larry Williams

                                                      into my senior year,       and flew to Hickam Field near
                                                      but as far back as         Honolulu. I stayed in Scofield
                                                      I can remember, I          Barracks and had my first taste
                                                      always wanted to be a      of honeydew melon. After one
                                                      pharmacist,” Raymond       month, we flew to Kwajalein.
                                                      said. In fact, he started   I was assigned to MATS
                                                      working in a drugstore     (Military Air Transport Service)
                                                      in Hinton when he was      in billeting (assigning living
                                                      only 14 years old.         quarters to pilots and airmen).
                                                                                 The officers and pilots would
                                                      Almost as much as          rest up there until their next
                                                      Estill wanted to be a      flight. They usually stayed on
                                                      pharmacist, he wanted      for 24 hours, while their C-97
                                                      to fly. Before entering    and C-54 aircrafts were being
                                                      the Army Air Corps         refueled. Later, they would
                                                      in November 1948,          haul ammunition and supplies
                                                      “I had already been        to Korea and bring wounded
                                                      flying around in a Piper   men back to be transferred to
                                                      Cub airplane. After        Fitzsimons Hospital in Denver.
                                                      enlistment, I was sent
                                                      to Sheppard Air Force      “One of the scariest moments
                                                      Base. At first, we were    was when we took a landing
                                                      issued Army Air Corps      craft over to Majuro Atoll to play
                                                      dark green uniforms,       baseball. Not long after landing,
                                                      but three weeks later,     we were fired on by a Japanese
                                                      we changed to Air Force    soldier who didn’t realize the
                  aymond Estill is not a              blue. In my four months    war (WWII) was over. We had a
                  native Texan, but he is      there, I was able to finish my    Marine detachment of about 15
            Rabout as close as one can         high school education and get     men, and they caught him and
            get. He was born only 20 miles     my G.E.D.                         sent him back to Japan.”
            from the Red River, just northeast   “I received orders for Kwajalein   Estill spent a total of 14 months
            of Childress, Texas to William     Atoll, which was part of the      on Kwajalein. “I was the post
            and Gladys Estill on August 15,    Marshall Islands in the Pacific.   office guy for about eight months
            1930, the only son of their five   I took a bus to San Francisco     and had to pick up mail at the
            children. The Great Depression                                             Navy Base on the other
            had just begun, and, like                                                  end of the atoll wearing a
            most other Americans,                                                      .45 on my hip. I was able
            the Estill family struggled                                                to hitch a ride on several
            during the downturn. They                                                  planes during my time
            eventually moved to Hinton,                                                there and visited Wake
            Oklahoma, where William                                                    Island, Johnson Atoll,
            was a police officer for 18                                                Guam, Japan, Tinian,
            years and took on other odd                                                and Iwo Jima, several of
            jobs to help keep the family                                               which were major battle
                                                                                       locations during WWII. I
            “I finished the 11th grade                                                 left Kwajalein and flew to
            and only got six weeks                                                     Hawaii on a C-54, finally

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