Page 93 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2022 - Online Magazine
P. 93

Army Air corpS
                                                                                                  WWii erA

             getting on the troop carrier, USS                               in Pampa, Plainview, and Kermit. He
             General W.A. Mann, for a five-day                               sold them in 1990 but continued as a
             cruise to San Francisco. I extended                             relief pharmacist until 2015 when he
             my enlistment for one year and,                                 finally retired at age 85. Ray says, “I
             after a 30-day leave, I was assigned                            still miss being a pharmacist and (at 91)
             to Stapleton AFB in Denver for                                  can still remember a lot of it.” Mattie
             training in Analytical Statistics. I                            passed away in 1979. He married Joann
             was there from August to October                                Butler who passed away in 2016. Each
             1950 and even spent time in                                     marriage lasted 28 years. He is now
             Fitzsimons Hospital for kidney                                  married to his long-time friend Ramona
             stones.”                                                        Lackey.

             Estill’s stint in the Pacific was over                          Raymond is grateful that his
             just before the Korean “Conflict”                               military service and the G.I. Bill led
             officially started, but he wasn’t                               to the fulfillment of his dream of a
             finished with his service just                                  career in pharmacy. His service to
             yet. “I had married my high school sweetheart,       our country and his sixty-year commitment to
             Mattie Richardson, on May 8, 1951. My last           serving communities with his expertise is not only
             assignment was to Stewart AFB in Newburgh,           commendable, but praiseworthy.
             New York, in the comptroller’s office. I was only    Thank you, Mr. Estill.
             a buck sergeant, but I oversaw 30 guys. When
             the command was moved to Syracuse, I was
             promoted to staff sergeant. Three months later, I
             was promoted to Tech Sergeant and went all over
             defense command, teaching young airmen. I had
             a top-secret clearance and handled a lot of ‘for
             your eyes only’ documents that I had to burn after
             reading.” Sgt. Estill was discharged on November
             27, 1952.
             After the service, Estill attended Southwestern
             State University in Weatherford, Oklahoma and
             graduated with a B.S. in Pharmacy in 1956. He
             started his career at Grinnell Pharmacy in Hobart,
             Oklahoma. “Eli Lilly was cranking up in those
             days and coming out with some new drugs. The
             old druggist I worked for didn’t trust them. He
             used to buy big burlap bags of digitalis leaves
             (Foxglove). It was used for heart attacks and
             congestive heart failure. He would grind up the
             leaves and put them in a capsule. We also had a
             barrel of grain alcohol that we would mix with the
             digitalis and pour into a 60mm dropper bottle. In
             the old days, we compounded one out of every ten
             drugs we dispensed. Nowadays, it’s rarely done.”

             In 1961, Estill moved his family to Lubbock
             where he became a partner in Raff & Hall Drug
             Store. In 1984, he opened his own pharmacies

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