Page 90 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2022 - Online Magazine
P. 90

off. I often thought about what   Air Force Base in
            my dad said, ‘Just suck it up and   Civil Engineering and
            keep going’. My dad had been      computers for a time.
            very strict. I only had about three   Back in the Army as
            dates in high school, and those   a full-time reservist,
            were to go to the prom. I didn’t   I was a recruiter
            learn to drive a car until after   from November 1977
            high school. My younger brother,   until March 1983 and
            Billy, showed up in Vietnam in    traveled all over West
            1969. I told him, ‘You can’t be   Texas. I wore out
            here. We’re the only sons in the   three cars. In March
            family and only one of us should   1983, I was sent to the
            be in a war zone.’ Billy was only   974th Transportation
            in Nam for 45 days, but he died   Company near
            of Agent Orange in 2007 at the    Orlando, Florida
            age of 58.”                       to help them get
                                              straightened out to be
            Arriving back home from           able to pass an AGI
            Vietnam on September 11, 1970,    inspection (Annual
            Mike married Theresa Mason        General Inspection). If          as a substitute teacher.  Even
            from Tahoka whom he had           they failed, they would disband   though he didn’t apply for it,
            met at a club in Lubbock. They    the unit. From 1986 to June 1990,   Mike said, “The administrator
            married on September 19, 1970,    I was assigned to the Army       for the Texas Boys Ranch called
            and eventually had two boys and   Reserve Center near Guymon,      me and asked me to go to
            two girls.                                           Oklahoma      lunch. He offered me a job as
            in late  “        You could really tell you          to help       Office Manager. I wound up
            Mike said,
            “I was sent
                                                                 a drill
                                                                               working there for 5 1/2 years.
            to Ft. Hood
                                                                               I really enjoyed working with
            September        were in a combat zone at            unit pass     the kids.” Theresa passed away
                                                                 the AGI.
                                                                               in October 2006. They had been
            1970 and                                             My last       married for 38 years.  Mike then
            spent four       night with all the rockets          stop was      married Carolyn Quisenberry
            years there.               going off.                in Wichita    in April 2012. Mike still loves
            Not long                                             Falls at an   working with kids. Today, he is
            after that, I                                        artillery     a teacher’s assistant in charge of
            got orders                                           training      in-school suspensions at Tahoka
            to bring an                                   ”      unit. I was   High School. About his time in
            Automated Personnel System to     there from June 1990 until 1993,   the Army, Mike simply says, “I
            Germany and was promoted to       when I retired from the Army     enjoyed my time in the military.”
            an E-6 (Staff Sergeant).  We had   after 23 years of active duty.”  He still lives by his dad’s words
            a new baby, and the wife didn’t                                    to just “Suck it up and keep
            want to go, so I left the Army in   Out of the service for good, Mike   going.”
            October 1974. I worked at Reese   worked for Tahoka High School

                                                 Veteran's Day Build

                                                    November 7th-11th
                                                     3317 East Dartmouth St.

              The goal will be to build one to two homes for local Veterans who qualify for the Habitat   More information available at
              Homeowner program. Lubbock Habitat would love any members from the community, ages
              18 and up, to volunteer or just come out and support the Veteran's Build in November.

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