Page 87 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2022 - Online Magazine
P. 87

             At a Captain’s Mast (inquiry), Joe’s records were   There aren’t enough words to
             presented and reviewed. After review, it was        express what we owe Joseph
             determined he was not guilty of manslaughter. “I    “Joe” Dial and other Veterans. Talking to him, hearing him
             didn’t salute them, and I may have said some bad    laugh, and recalling things that he hadn’t even told his
             words. They could have watched that video thirty    wife before that moment brought tears to my eyes—tears
             minutes after the accident instead of making me wait   of pride and absolute respect for the living piece of history
             a week.” But at least Joe Dial was back on his way to   that is Joe Dial.
             completing his four years.
                                                                 Petty Officer 3rd Class Joseph “Joe” Dial, you do have a
             When you serve in a combat war, you get to choose   happy heart, and it was my honor to hear and tell your
             where you get discharged. Joe remembered the        story. Thank you for your service.
             unpleasant welcome he’d received in California three
             years earlier. “We weren’t welcomed. They spit on
             me! There are casualties of war, but we weren’t baby   There was just one thing Joe requested for this article.
             killers.” So, I asked them to take me to Dallas.       It is a message to veterans: “It is vital that every
                                                                    military person sign up for services at the VA.” The
             A Happy Heart                                          more veterans Joe meets, the more he realizes the
                                                                    importance of connecting them to all the services that
             Joseph “Joe” Dial has been married to his sweetheart   are available at Lubbock’s new state-of-the-art VA
             Rosemary since July 1993 and is father to daughter     Superclinic.  You can reach them at 806-472-3400.
             Tamara, twin boys, Rusty and Dusty, the latter
             having just completed four years with the Navy
             and twenty with the Air Force, and sons Tony,
             Scotty, and David. Joe is active with the Veterans of
             Foreign Wars (VFW) and American Legion and is
             an advocate for Veterans' rights.

             In 2006, Joe had a heart attack, and it was
             discovered that the bottom of his heart is black,
             dead.  When delivered the news, Joe’s response
             was, “No, Doc, I have a happy heart.” Over the
             years, doctors found that Joe’s exposure to Agent
             Orange was the reason for his heart and breathing
             issues. He has since received full disability benefits
             from the VA.

             A Walking Miracle
             It has been said that the life expectancy on the deck
             of a Navy vessel is 30 seconds. Despite his health
             issues and an injury that earned him a Purple
                                         Heart, Joe has far
                                         surpassed that.

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