Page 89 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2022 - Online Magazine
P. 89


              In early January 1969, Mike and   to Pleiku (Central Highlands      Houston after Germany, but
              his buddy headed to Ft. Lewis     Region) headed for Da Nang.       after my leave, I returned to
              near Tacoma, Washington for       One end of our barracks was       Vietnam for another tour in
              their flight out to Vietnam.      blown up; fortunately, I was in   January 1969. I had to fly in a
              “We flew into Seattle and took    the other end. I spent the night   Class A uniform that time and
              a bus to Ft. Lewis and headed     in a bunker. I was assigned       spent time in Chu Lai, Nah
              back to Seattle to get a flight   to Company B, 37th Signal         Trang and at headquarters in
              but got snowed in, so it was      Battalion, which was the base     Saigon. There were some really
              back to Ft. Lewis, then back to   communication center for the      nice restaurants there, but it was
              Seattle where we got snowed       Americal Division. I was sent     still dangerous. I was walking
              in again! We finally got a flight   to Chu Lai as a brand-new       down the street once, and my
              and landed in Kam Ranh Bay.       Sergeant E-5.  My last duty       buddy pushed me up against
              It was under a rocket attack      station there was in Nah Trang,   a wall just before a restaurant
              at the time, so we had to slide   a coastal base used to send       exploded.  My buddy said,
              down the (emergency) chute        troops for R&R.”                  ’Did you see that young boy
              of the plane and run to the                                         with the backpack walk into the
              bus. I lost my shot records,      Mike was stationed in             restaurant?  He was a suicide
              so I had to take the required     Frankfurt, Germany in June        bomber.’ You could really tell
              shots all over again. I was sick   1968. He guarded the post for    you were in a combat zone at
              for a few days. I was then sent   5 1/2 months there. “I came to    night with all the rockets going

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