Page 82 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2022 - Online Magazine
P. 82

Harry Mayes
                                                               Red-Blooded American
                                                               Excerpts chosen by a son from the “History of Harry
                                                               Mayes & Family” by Harry Mayes circa 1990

                                                           the street.
                                                           My older         Insert by his son:
                                                           brother,         Dad went to Oklahoma University and
                                                           Gene,            was in Naval ROTC.  World War II was
                                                           and I did        going on, and Dad told us that one day
                                                           this a few       he went to ROTC class. The officer told
                                                           summers.         all the students, “This doesn’t put you in
                                                           We bought        the Navy or anything, but everyone stand
                                                           the papers       up, raise your right hand and repeat after
                                                           for two          me.” He was sworn in.
                                                           cents and
                                                           sold them
                                                           for three.           of trouble. Delivering papers
                                                           When Gene got        at 4:30 every morning, and also
                                                           a paper route at     after school, depleted some of our
                                                           the minimum age      excess energy.
                                                           requirement of       After pre-submarine school in
                                                           eleven, he and I     San Diego and submarine school
                                                           worked it 50-50      in New London, my assignment
               t all started in 1923 when I was            until I was old      was to San Diego again for nine
               born in Shawnee, Oklahoma.     enough to have my own route.      months on a submarine tender.
            IMy mother said my birthplace     We delivered papers through       Every six months, we had to
            was in Tecumseh, but I was there   high school and into college.    request our next choice of duty.
            and should know; she was not      Gene became the station manager   I always requested combat duty
            herself and in pain. When I grew   and assigned me the largest and   (as any red-blooded American
            up enough to do something         toughest route in town because    would). My choice for combat was
            requiring a birth certificate, such   nobody else would take it.    denied each time. I was forced to
            as joining the Navy in World      When I was eleven and in the      live in Hawaii for a year, working
            War II, there was no birth record,   fifth grade, my mother decided to   eight hours every other day and
            so I declared my birthplace as I   divorce, and our dad moved his   off on weekends.
            remembered it, Shawnee.           office from downtown and made
            Some of my memories are           the living room his office where   In 1948, the “establishment” in
                                                                                Lubbock immediately accepted
            imbedded in my mind in vivid      he could keep tab on us boys.  He   me with open arms, and it was
            color, like the first time my     was a very persuasive person      a very good sociable crowd.
            mother was to meet her new        and turned me from trouble to     Among the friends was O.P.
            sister-in-law.  Mother had baked   persistent determination to do   Harlan, who left his employer
            a cake, and when she proudly      what was right.                   to start his own business. He
            uncovered it to serve her guest,   Childhood was a tough time for   asked me to join him as a full
            shall we say she was chagrined    Harry the Hooligan, who was       partner. I bought in about three
            that “you know who”, with his     sometimes sent to the principal’s   months after marriage to Peggy.
            sticky fingers, had eaten most of   office for behavioral problems.   Our business  grew for 18 years,
            the icing off the top. (Still have a   It is interesting to see how much   when we split the business and
            sweet tooth.)                     more enjoyable life became in     each took half as our separate
            At age seven, my business career   later years, probably as a result   companies. (Ed. Note: 4M
                                                                                dealt in commercial mechanical
            started in downtown Oklahoma      of my father’s strong training.   equipment.)  This turned out well
            City, selling newspapers on       He kept us busy to keep us out

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