Page 34 - Lubbock Senior Link Magazine Summer 2022 - Online Magazine
P. 34

avid antique collectors and have   conscious of life—more saddened
                                             crafted indoor and outdoor spaces   by ugliness but more delighted in
                                             that are delightful to behold in   the goodness of people. I’ve seen it
                                             every direction. Although it's filled   on both sides of the bars.”
                                             with memorabilia of bygone eras,
                                             their home bears no resemblance    Their charming little “ranch”
                                             to a museum. Rather than dusty     provides several comfy spots
                                             and sepia-toned, it's colorful and   to rest on their laurels, but Jack
                                             fascinating, just like Jack and Sonja   and Sonja Mitchell don’t know
                                             themselves.                        the meaning of those words.
                                                                                They have both served as Ranch
                                             They raised two amazing children   Hosts at the Ranching Heritage
                                             in that house—Chrystle, who        Center for many years, and Jack
                                             served 21 years in the Navy        is currently president of the RHC
                                             and now works for the federal      Volunteer Board. They both get
                                             government in Washington DC;       up every morning at 4:30. Amid
                                             and Trae, also a Navy vet, who     dozens of other activities, Sonja is
                                             served with the Lubbock County     a phenomenal paper crafter and is
                                             Sheriff’s Department for 24 years.   creating delightful little interactive
                                                                                Bibles for her Sunday school
                                             Sonja worked for Dr. Golightly at   class. Jack stays busy building the
           classes in the basement of the    Highland Hospital for 18 years.    projects that Sonja designs, caring
           courthouse led to a degree in     She would often accompany Jack     for his herd, curating his vast
           Law Enforcement from Wayland      to crime scenes but could never    collection of hands-on antiques,
           Baptist College in 1977. That year,   “cross the yellow line,” so she   leatherworking, and maintaining
           he became the first ID officer in the   spent a lot of hours waiting in the   the structures on the ranch, which
           county after learning to process   car. Jack suggested she become    includes a barn called Lucy’s
           crime scene fingerprints.         a reservist. So, Sonja continued   Diner, a “General Store” to house
                                             to work full time and took night   many more antiques, a life-size
           He served at the Sheriff’s Office   classes. She ended up working    Statue of Liberty, and a vintage
           from 1975 until his retirement    in the same jail that Jack had     chuck wagon.
           in 1999, and then went to         worked in downtown. The fearless
           work for the US Marshals as a     fifty-year-old walked the beat     The Mitchells have five
           district security officer in 2013.   by herself at 2:00 AM, checking   grandchildren and one great
           A knee replacement a few years    the doors of the courthouse and    grandchild. Even in retirement,
           ago expedited his permanent       other buildings. She served for    they are energetic, resourceful,
           retirement. He had built a solid   nearly 12 years with the Sheriff's   generous, hospitable, artistic,
           career, but law enforcement wasn’t   Department.                     and hard-working; they exhibit
           his whole life.                                                      countless other attributes that add
                                             Sonja said, “I've always had       up to thriving. It appears, Jack’s
           In 1974, he and Sonja built the   a happy nature, but law            dad made a wise move.
           home where they still reside on   enforcement made me more
           one acre in West
           Lubbock. “We are
           both ‘Wannabe
           Cowboys,’ and we
           own the smallest
           ranch in Texas,” Sonja
           said. The little ranch
           is home to a herd
           of three miniature
           horses and a donkey
           named Lucy. They are

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