Page 39 - Lubbock Senior Link Magazine Summer 2022 - Online Magazine
P. 39


        One of the memorable cases Tom      or not. Until Tom’s retirement, the   Methodist in Abilene. They are also
        investigated during his tenure in   Ranger Bandit sent Tom a Christmas   active in the Emmaus Communities,
        Abilene concerned the Ranger        card every year from Federal Prison.  both in Abilene and Lubbock.
        Bandit, Steve Benifiel, kingpin of
        one of the largest methamphetamine   Tom retired in June 1995 and       Recently, Tom was the Lay Director
        drug rings in West Texas. This story   then spent ten years as a Private   on a men’s Emmaus Walk at Slaton
        can be found in detail in the February   Investigator and piloting charter   and recounted this story.  On July
        1992 issue of Texas Monthly.  Tom   flights. Angie owned a bridal shop   1, 1989, he was flying a single, six-
        helped to head up the multi-agency   in Abilene for fourteen years.     passenger plane from New York City
        task force to gather evidence to stop   Currently, they enjoy working with   to Abilene. He is meticulous with
        the illegal activities of the well-liked   son Cary and his wife, Tammy, and   flight plans and always rerouted
        and well-feared garage owner and    enjoying four grandchildren.        to avoid bad weather. But that
        businessman from Ranger, who had    Reflecting on his years as an FBI   day, because of a storm’s rapid
        local members of law enforcement    agent, Tom noted that there are     development, he found himself
        and government in his back pocket.    always bad actors from whom the   amid blackness and turbulence that
        After about two years of intensely   world needs protection.  But others   threatened to tear the wings off the
        challenging work, they were finally   just made mistakes, without malice,   plane. With seemingly no way out,
        able to “get the goods on him”      and Tom tried to help them get on   in dire straits, with air controllers
        and about 35 others of his ring.    the right path if possible.  He and   telling him he was on his own, Tom
        The Border Patrol bus secured to    Angie share a strong faith. He was   told the Lord, “I’m in a mess. I’m
        transport the bunch to Federal Court   raised Baptist and she Catholic (St.   turning the controls over to You.”  In
        in Lubbock was full.                Joseph’s—Slaton), so they became    the distance, Tom saw an opening in
                                                                                the dark clouds (sometimes known
        One of Tom                                              Methodists      as a sucker hole because it can draw
        Clark’s                                                 and have        pilots into false security.)  But Tom
        mottos was,                                             been in active   trusted God, so he headed through
        “If you give                                            leadership      the opening and into calm, serene
        respect, often                                          in Methodist    skies.  Now Tom has another motto:
        respect will                                            congregations   “If God is your Copilot, change
        be returned.”                                           around the      seats.”
        Plus, Tom                                               country. Tom
        saw every                                               is currently    Perhaps the better title for this story
        person as a                                             Trustee         is “Sky Co-Captain.”
        child of God,                                           Chairman at
        wayward                                                 Aldersgate

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