Page 27 - Lubbock Senior Link Magazine Summer 2022 - Online Magazine
P. 27


         subjects. “Mr. Price has a passion for   and a child, just                         who had made an
         loving God, his family, and helping   coming out of                                impact on Lubbock for
         others.”                            the service as                                 so long, in so many
                                             a troop trainer                                ways… and on my
         “He was an advocate for those without   at Ft. Hood.                               dad, with a friendship
         a voice and a seeker of justice.” (Paige   Lubbockites                             I had never even
         Allen). She also shared that they had   have been                                  known about. What an
         a few lengthy discussions about his   blessed for over                             unexpected blessing!
         love for God and his church.        five decades
                                             because Floyd                                  Floyd Price has
         We all recalled how he was known                                                   dedicated his life
         to “burst out in song” while helping   Price chose law                             to getting to know
         with a youth program, to the delight   enforcement                                 people… and serving
         of fellow workers and the students.   over the                                     them well! Do yourself
                                             railroad job he
         The fifth of ten children from a    was offered at                                 a favor and Google
         Shallowater farming family, his     the same time.                                 him, especially for the
         parents taught him and his siblings   How did he                                   radio program “Soul
         a strong work ethic in those West   decide which                                   Patrol” story and the
         Texas fields. His parents, dad      path to take? He chose the career   music he made with some fellow
         educated to only third grade and    with more “people interaction”.    officers. There is so much more to
         mom to ninth grade, told them it    He has devoted his life as a first   this man’s wonderful story... yes, so
         was important to get an education.   responder because he is           much more.
         He proudly showed me his diploma    part of a global network of
         from Dunbar High School, 1959, and   “servers,” all connected on
         shared that he was the first black   the front lines, dedicated to
         student to be inducted into their   being a person who would
         National Honor Society, an honor    “help”!
         he is still proud of today at age 81.
         He went on to Wayland Baptist       I thoroughly enjoyed the
         University and got a degree in      stories and the pleasure
         Criminal Justice and Sociology.     of his company… and the
                                             memories he shared about
         Questions about his service, any    being friends with my
         scary experiences, or challenges    “rascal” of a dad, Andy
         he encountered were met with no     Howsley. In 1965, Floyd
         regrets. Looking back, he said he had   was a floor patrol for
         only had two or three times he was   TG&Y, and my dad was
         ever in a situation                            a pharmacist
         that couldn’t be                               at the Piggly
         handled with                                   Wiggly next
         understanding,                                 door. We had
         respect, and                                   never made
         knowing more                                   that connection
         about the situation                            before, and
         or the people                                  since my dad
         involved.                                      passed in 2018,
                                                        I was thankful
         Two opportunities                              for the
         presented                                      opportunity
         themselves for this                            to honor the
         young US Army       A recent commendation      life of this first
         veteran with a wife   from the U.S. Senate for   responder
                             Outstanding Public Service

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