Page 11 - Lubbock Senior Link Magazine Summer 2022 - Online Magazine
P. 11


                                                                                              and prisoners in all
                                                                                              areas of the Emmaus,
                                                                                              Chrysalis, and
                                                                                              Kairos ministries.
                                                                                              His homemade
                                                                                              cinnamon rolls were a
                                                                                              favorite with ministry
                                                                                              participants. Jerry
                                                                                              and Linda’s home
                                                                                              and barn became
                                                                                              a gathering place
                                                                                              for many Christian
                                                                                              groups. Emmaus
                                                                                              groups still meet there
                                                                                              today. Jerry was even
                                                                                              a part of the Emmaus
                                                                                              expansions into
                                                                                              Sweden, Denmark,
                                                                                              and Norway.  His
                                                                                              servant heart also took
           Jerry Kelley has always been known for his barn.
           This is the barn at his home in Mineral Wells                                      him on local church
                                                                                              mission trips to New
                                                                                              York and Mexico.
          through this.” He was a firefighter   travelling at 60 mph. They suddenly
          during the tragic time when three   hit a dip; both men went flying off   In his response to those in need,
          firefighters lost their lives in the   the truck. Jerry said, “I was not hurt   Jerry became a private pilot so he
          Underwood’s building fire. Jerry’s   very bad, only lost the back side of   could help others faster and see his
          station should have                 my britches from the waistband to   granddaughters more often. Flying
          been at that fire, but the dispatcher   my knees.” Cliff wasn’t as lucky. He   his dentist and hygienist to the needy
          failed to notify them. “There were   had a broken collar bone, cuts, and   in Mexico, Jerry was once again on
          many tense moments; most of them    scratches. That evening when his    the front lines of rendering aid. He
          are tragic times.” Jerry sadly recalls   pregnant wife, Linda, picked him up   even cleaned and pulled a few teeth
          the days and nights after the 1970   at the fire station, she asked, “Why   while there.
          Lubbock tornado. He was called in to   didn’t you hold on?” That booster
          search for people in                               truck never made     Today, Jerry Kelley responds to
          “lots of debris, not a                             it back into service   needs with the Palo Pinto Sheriff’s
          pleasant job.”                                     again.               Department, where he serves in the
                                                                                  Sheriff’s Posse. “Guess I must have
          Another memorable                                  Responding to the    been walking sideways, so I had to
          moment was when                                    needs of others is   get another badge to balance me
          Jerry and fellow                                   a hallmark of Jerry   out,” Jerry jokingly commented.
          firefighter, Cliff                                 Kelley’s life. After   Jerry also enjoys delivering Meals
          Baker, were rushing                                retiring from the    on Wheels and flowers for his
          to a tractor fire                                  Fire Department,     granddaughter Lexis’ flower shop
          east of New Deal.                                  Jerry continued      in Mineral Wells.  He has lived a life
          Both men were                                      helping others by    of responsive, quick, appropriate,
          riding on the back                                 volunteering in the   sensitive, and joy-filled reaction to
          of a 1-ton pickup                                  Walk to Emmaus       the needs of others.  His responder’s
          water-hauling                                      ministries.  He      heart has truly blessed the lives
          booster truck. They                                loved sharing the    of many … Jerry Kelley, first, and
          were standing on                                   Gospel of Christ as   always a responder!
          a platform holding                                 he served adults,
          onto a bar—while                                   youth, children,

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