Page 5 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2022 - Online Magazine
P. 5

SENIOR RESOURCES                                    LOVE STORIES
                     46    to probate or not to probate                  56   aligned together with God
                                                                              Eddie and Cheryl Teeter
                     50    thoughts on fulfillment,
                           retirement, & becoming a
                           "senior"                                      VETERAN
                     58    a new choice for men                          60   Kenneth Brownfield
                     62    what is palliative care?                           grounded
                     64    is the grass greener on the
                           other side?                                  BOOK REVIEW
                     66    sustain your mental acuity                    68   Stronger Than I Thought
                     67    senior to senior                              69   My Father's Gift
                           words of wisdom

                     OPPORTUNITY TO SERVE
                                                                         70   come ride with us in 2022
                     48    "fur angels" among us

                     FAMILY FOCUS
                                                                         72   sponsored by Market Street
                     52    Pappie & Poppa Camp                                > banana pudding cup bites
                           (hosted by Don and Carol Payne)                    > pastrami sandwiches with
                                                                              avocado aioli
                                                                              > red, white, and purple
                     EXCEPTIONAL SENIORS                                      potato salad
                     22    remembering Stephen                          INSPIRATION
                           Darla Dunn
                                                                         73   notes to my grandchildren
                     54    on the Lord's team
                           David Haladay

                                    We would love your help finding
                                         stories of people to honor.

                                                      Upcoming Themes:
                                               Summer – First Responders
                                                       Fall – Veterans
                                                   Winter – Love Stories
                                  Stories do not have to fit the theme to be considered for the edition.

                          If you own a local business, we’d love to have you partner with
                                    Senior Link with an ad and/or a resource article.

                                              PLEASE CONSIDER SUBSCRIBING!

                      CONTACT US         (806) 441-3955   
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