Page 10 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2022 - Online Magazine
P. 10


           the movement of the bread and      Recently,                                       I can perceive
           juice, and he also helps with the   I took an                                      an abundance of
           offerings. Whenever there was      economics                                       lessons just by
           anything involving our family,     class and,                                      watching, and
           he was always there to help        since he                                        every time I see
           and support us. He continues       is actively                                     him, I learn about
           to astound me because of his       involved in                                     how a godly man
           gracious actions and selflessness.  the stock                                      should live. He
                                              market,                                         is the epitome
           When I was about five years        I had the                                       of a good father,
           old, we went into his gigantic     opportunity                                     grandfather,
           backyard, and he taught me about   to learn some                                   husband, and
           guns and gun safety (using a BB    of the ins                                      friend. He puts
           gun of course). He taught me       and outs of                                     God first in all
           about the crops that  he grew and   it from him.                                   that he does and
           about the birds I was seeing.  He   He told me                                     allows himself
           even set targets for me to shoot at.   all about                                   to be last. A
           We practiced BB guns, bow and      the stocks that he invests in,    verse that comes to mind when
           arrows, and soon, as I got older, I   their history, and what to look   I observe him is John 3:30, “He
           graduated to a 22-gauge.           for in the stock market. Every    must become greater; I must
           He taught me a lot about nature,   conversation I have with him      become less.” He is such a selfless
           and I spent many wonderful times   brightens my day and influences   man and makes an impact on all
           with him. Even to this day, I love   my life in a positive way.      those who are fortunate enough
           it when he tells me about how his   Even though our conversations    to meet him. As I grow older, I
           farm is doing because he goes into   may not always be about         hope that I can be even half the                     Lubbock Christian school
           great depth with the information,   something spiritual, I always    man that he is. He is, more than
           and it is so fascinating.          detect a sense of God sprinkled   anything else, a family man.
                                              throughout. As a visual learner,                                               DEVOTED TO GOD’S WORD · LED BY THE SPIRIT · SHINING LIGHT · COMMITTED TO EXCELLENCE AND IMPROVEMENT

                                                                                                                                Lubbock Christian School is dedicated to providing a quality environment in which
                                                                                                                                   each student will grow in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and man.

           Article Submitted by
           Ryan Fullerton                                              LUBBOCK CHRISTIAN                                                                    NOW ENROLLING

              Ryan Fullerton is a senior at Lubbock Christian High School. He participates in choir, is on
              the Rocket League Esports team, and is in National Honor Society. He enjoys hanging
              out with friends and family. He also loves movies, comic books, and animals. He plans to
              attend Lubbock Christian University and study Business Management. He plans to also                                           For more information or to schedule a tour, contact us at:
              be part of the Rocket League Esports team at LCU.

                                                                                                                                 Lubbock Christian School admits students of any race, color, and national or ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or
                                                                                                                                  made available to students at our school and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, and national or ethnic origin in administration of our educational
                                                                                                                                                policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other school-administered programs.
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