Page 12 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2022 - Online Magazine
P. 12
Allen Doggett
A Well-Built Life
by Sydney Norman
llen Doggett was born and grandfather had neither job nor pouring concrete foundations for
raised in the small town higher education. This bump in the different companies, and it was
Aof Olton. As the youngest road, however, was merely a short- not until 1990 that he switched
of four children, he faced a lot of term obstacle for Allen Doggett. over to utility construction. He
down time which he filled with has accomplished many jobs in
youthful activities that became My grandfather is one of the most the area, like constructing water
stories he shares with his children brilliant people I know. Although systems in the Lubbock area and
and grandchildren. Allen is my he did not have a college degree, the counties around it. You may
grandfather, but he is also a he now owns his own construction have seen some
friend. Allen Doggett is one of company that does of the things
the smartest and most genuine public utilities. In he has worked
people I know, and he deserves order to become on, like the
recognition. as successful as water tower
he is now, Allen in Wolfforth.
Like us all, my grandfather faced interned under a After 51 years
hardships growing up, but, mentor for many of running
through determination, he was years; Mr. Rhode Allen Doggett
able to overcome them. Allen was is the man who Construction
raised in a small town with what took him under his Company, my
seemed like little opportunity to wing and taught grandfather
make himself a name. The biggest him everything he has built an
legacy he owned as a kid was knows. Through amazing name
being a wild child. He spent his this, he learned for himself.
hours racing around town with the basics of his The Lubbock
friends and living the life of a kid. career, and his area and many
As he got older, he worked and talents accelerated other private
established a hard work ethic, and as he got more companies trust
then life threw him a curveball. At experience. my grandfather
the age of 20, he was drafted into and his work. I am proud of my
the army for the Vietnam War. As years passed, my grandfather grandfather and the amazing life
During the war, he served in a tank became exceptionally talented at he constructed through hard and
battalion for 13 months of duty what he does and started his own honest work.
in Vietnam. Returning home, my business. At first, he specialized in
12 Lubbock Senior Link