Page 16 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2022 - Online Magazine
P. 16


              Carolyn Mason

              Recommendations for Life

                                                                                        by JoAnna McAdams

                  rs. Carolyn Mason is       the Upper Library, where I first met   a couple of years. She told the city
                  a native Texan and a       her in my seventh-grade year and    manager that she was interested
         MSundown graduate.                  found her recommendation skills     in helping out and was able to
         Mrs. Mason currently works at the   are second-to-none. “You match      greet patrons. The library had no
         City of Sundown Library but took    the reading material to the person,”   computer system and no record of
         a roundabout road to get there.     she said.                                             inventory, as
         Her proudest accomplishment,        “Suddenly,                                            they had lost
         however, is raising her daughter,   it was like                                           funding due
         Jennifer. “Being a mother made      they didn’t                                           to budget cuts.
         me who I am,” she said. “But there   realize they                                         Carolyn and
         are no instructions!” From a bank   were learning                                         Mrs. Linda
         bookkeeper to a secretary, Carolyn   about                                                Canon, also a
         has experience in working diligently   customs,                                           retired school
         in the background. She has a special   foods,                                             employee, kept
         love of books and has used that     cultures, or                                          records on a
         passion for the benefit of many     perspectives                                          paper ledger
         students in Sundown, as well as     from books                                            that Carolyn
         patrons of the city library.        they were                                             designed. They
                                             reading.”                                             handwrote the
         Carolyn was long employed by        She sought to                                         books’ titles,
         the school where she not only       ignite passion                                        authors, due
         helped the librarian but also       in students                                           dates, and
         headed the school’s closed-circuit   who seemed                                           the patron’s
         TV system. Students created their   to be merely                                          name. This
         own broadcasts, and she oversaw     floating                                              archaic system
         the program’s audio. From a single   through life.                                        lasted several
         drawer of broadcast items, Carolyn   “Sometimes,                                          months. “I’m
         built a major library of visual aids.   you just knew a kid needed a little   pretty sure we lost several books,”
         She juggled nine channels from the   extra love or attention.” Many     Carolyn said sheepishly, “but
         small room adjacent to the library,   students missed that extra love   people were so glad we were open,
         seven of which were broadcast       when Carolyn retired from the       anyway.” She was afraid the city
         throughout the school day. “I lived   school in 2016.                   would shut them down again as
         by an alarm clock,” she says.                                           a result of their lack of inventory,
                                             Lucky for us, in October of 2019,   but the library was able to regain
         For 28 years, Carolyn was a familiar   Carolyn heard that the previous
         figure in the high school library,   public library might reopen after   its momentum through dedicated
                                                                                 staff and several much-appreciated

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