Page 69 - Senior Link Magazine Winter 2021- Online Magazine
P. 69
BOOK REVIEW Senior Link is happy to reintroduce a regular book review. If you know of a local
author whose book you’d like to spotlight, contact us at
Evaluated and the
Biblical flow from my pen to paper
Worldview --- but then, unfortunately,
they just sat there.
In January, before our
An church’s annual fast, my
husband Paul and I were
asking God what He
Unusual Fast wanted us to fast. Paul
went a traditional route,
by LaVila Henry but I felt like the Holy
Spirit was asking me to
do something I had never
t was September 2020, and I heard of before. I felt like
was mulling over in my mind
Ithe November election. The He was asking me to write
the book He had put in my
two political platforms and their heart and write every day
huge differences were swirling in for those 21 days. And I
my head. I was also thinking how did. Because of that, this
much had changed since I was book was born.
young. Old enough to retrieve
memories from quite a ways back, Evolution Evaluated and the
my reminiscing started with the Why wouldn’t all these things be Biblical Worldview has a
1960’s. I recalled the big deal of occurring when we have insisted message for now. My desire is for
Madalyn Murray O’Hair trying on getting rid of God? With you to get it, read it, and share it.
to get prayer out of our schools Him out of the picture, the door I’m hopeful this book has some
--- and she succeeded. Then my is open to any kind of evil that small part in pointing us back in
thoughts went to a few of the mankind can conceive --- and that the direction of God.
many changes that followed--- seems to be happening.
enough changes to make our Do you feel you have a part?
founding fathers turn over in What if, with God’s help, we I’d be interested to hear. I truly
their graves. Fraud is epidemic, could get things turned around? believe God isn’t finished with
murders and suicides are at an What if, one more time, we our generation!
all-time high, TV shows and returned to our Godly principles
movies are graphically violent and our constitutional roots? But My book is available on Amazon
and immoral, pornography is I wondered what my one small and other book venues. If you
rampant, sex outside of marriage voice could do. Yes, I could vote, are in the Lubbock area, I have
is the norm, and abortions are and I could pray, but was there copies, and you can reach me at
common. anything else? Notes began to
How in the world did we get
Pondering those things, my
thoughts went to our public
school system and the secular
worldview that saturates it. The
Biblical worldview has nearly
become extinct. Suddenly, it
seemed like a bottom-line issue.
Lubbock Senior Link 69