Page 52 - Senior Link Magazine Winter 2021- Online Magazine
P. 52


          MEDICAID Updates Its


                                                                                                    by Lee Franks

                  ith certain exceptions,     assuming the person is otherwise    It is not uncommon for a person,
                  Medicaid penalizes a person   eligible except for the gift, but it will   acting on bad advice, to convey his
          Wapplying for nursing home          not pay for room and board for the   or her residence to the kids before
          assistance who has made one or      number of days that the gift or gifts   applying for nursing home assistance.
          more gifts within five years before   would have paid for.              If the residence was worth $120,000,
          applying for assistance. Medicaid                                       and the gift was made after September
          reasons that, if a person gave money   In general terms, Medicaid calculates   1, 2021, the penalty period would
          or other property away, the value of   this penalty period by dividing the   be 504 days, more than a year and a
          that property could have financed at   gift by the average daily cost of care   half. The kids might have to sell the
          least the person’s room and board   in Texas when the person made the   residence just to help pay the bill.
          at a facility for a while, depending   gift. Medicaid calls this average the
          upon how much the person actually   divisor.  From September 1, 2020, the   The Medicaid rules, as applied to
          gave away. Therefore, Medicaid will   divisor was $213.71/day. Beginning   nursing home assistance, do not
          approve the person for assistance   September 1, 2021, the divisor now   forbid gifting, but the rules do impose
                                                               is $237.93/day.    consequences for it. However, the
                                                               For example, if    person making the gift usually has
                                                               a person gives     some income, and he or she may be
                                                               $10,000 to the     in a facility that charges less than the
                                                               kids, Medicaid     state average. In the first example
                                                               imposes a          above, the person gives away $10,000.
                                                               penalty period of   If the person’s monthly income is
                                                               ($10,000/$237.93/  $1,500 or about $49/day, and the
                                                               day) or 42 days.   cost of care is $180/day, the shortfall
                                                               Critically, the    would be about $131/day. For 42 days
                                                               person must        the total shortfall would be $131/
                                                               reside in a        day times 42 days or $5,502. If the
                                                               Medicaid facility   kids paid the balance of the bill, there
                                                               and qualify for    would still be $4,498 left over.
                                                               Medicaid before
                                                               the penalty        Unplanned gifting can create real
                                                               begins to count    problems for someone seeking
                                                               down. To qualify   assistance for nursing home care,
                                                               for Medicaid,      but as the example illustrates,
                                                               the person         planned gifting can be an appropriate
                                                               must have less     strategy. The information presented
                                                               than $2,000 in     here necessarily leaves out a lot of
                                                               countable assets.   detail, and gifting applies only to
                                                               Effectively,       a part of the process of obtaining
                                                               someone else has   assistance for nursing home care, but
                                                               to help pay the    it does highlight the need for good
                                                               person’s room      advice and counsel from an elder
                                                               and board at       law attorney before making a gift or
                                                               the facility for   applying for assistance.
                                                               42 days before
                                                               Medicaid will
                                                               start paying for it.

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