Page 49 - Senior Link Magazine Winter 2021- Online Magazine
P. 49


           Dean & Erika Shuman                                                           SENIORS

         A GOOD FIT

         by Jane Bromley

                                                              part time at      “We were farmers and miners.
                                                              Texas Tech        Nobody bothered us.”
                                                              from 1959 to
                                                              ’72. He started   But the politics of Eastern Europe
                                                              his individual    have always been complicated,
                                                              practice over 65   and WWII really upset the apple
                                                              years ago and     cart. In early 1944, Soviet-led
                                                              continues to this   Partisans (Communist outsiders)
                                                              day. Dean and     came to their town to stir up
                                                              Joyce Shuman      resistance against the German
                                                              raised two        townspeople. Later in 1944, the
                                                              daughters, Becki   German Wehrmacht arrived
                                                              and DeeAnne,      and “rescued” the local German
           Dean and Erika Shuman                              and a son, Hal.   occupants from the Partisans
                                                                                Occupation. Then in December
                     ean and Erika Shuman’s                   While young       1944, all schoolchildren were
                     relationship seems        Dean was milking the three cows   separated from their parents
             Dlike such a perfect fit,         on the farm in Kansas (he could   and, under German Army
             one would never guess their       hit a cat with a stream of milk   Supervision, sent to various
             beginnings were so dramatically   from 40 paces), a little girl named   “safe” places in greater Germany.
             different. Dean grew up in El     Erika Melzer was growing         Erika was in 4th grade when
             Dorado, Kansas. His dad was a     up on the opposite side of the   she was sent away with all the
             barber until he became a small    planet. She and her sister were   other 4th graders. Her little sister,
             farmer (three cows). After Dean   coal miner’s daughters in the    Maria, was sent with her 2nd
             graduated from high school        Slovak region of the country then   grade classmates to a different
             and junior college in El Dorado,   known as Czechoslovakia. Their   location.
             he graduated from Washburn        simple life was quiet until 1944.
             University in Topeka and earned
             his Doctor of Jurisprudence from
             Washburn Law School in 1954.
             He served two years in the Air
             Force JAG Corps at Sheppard
             Air Force Base in Wichita Falls.
             In 1956, he passed the Texas Bar,
             married his sweetheart, Joyce,
             and moved to Lubbock. After
             working in the DA’s office a
             short time, he partnered with
             Clifford Brown from 1958-’68.
             He also taught Business Law
                                                Heinrich and Erika Hoeve      Dean and Joyce Shuman

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