Page 47 - Senior Link Magazine Winter 2021- Online Magazine
P. 47


                                                                Peanut brittle fever hits the school office every holiday
                                                                season, as anxious callers salivate for Bebe’s perennial
                                                                favorite. Since 1975, she has led a group of church
                                                                volunteers for the annual fundraiser, cranking out
                                                                over 100,000 patties of her culinary delight for thankful

                                                                After all her years of tireless service, it’s hard to
                                                                imagine the school lobby without her presence there.
                                                                I’m sure it’s even hard for her to imagine! But, not
                                                                to worry! As Lana says, “She can’t sit still for very
            Former faculty members surprise Bebe September 30
                                                                long before she has to get up and see what the next
                                                                adventure will be.” And Sheila chimes in, “She loves to
           time for the things she loves, but those who know her   travel! Anywhere, anytime! You don’t have to ask her
           best will agree with her son Jason when he says, “Who   twice to pack a bag and go!”
           are we kidding? She loves to work!” Indeed, after a
           brief respite, she’ll return to campus in a part-time role   In my three years with Bebe, being with students every
           which will be, as Saldana says, “a way to be a part of   day, I had the epiphany that has shaped my life ever
           our Premier family in other ways moving forward.”    since – I have something to say to the next generation!
                                                                Bebe’s legacy is the energy and love she has given
           Raised in Houston, Bebe and her husband Jim came to   to generations of students and numerous waves of
           Lubbock in 1975 to join the pastoral staff at what is now   faculty and staff, modeling rich connections, linking
           Rock City, where they remain as pillars of the church.   generations!
           And just this August, Bebe and Jim celebrated their
           Golden Anniversary in grand style with family
           and friends! Children and grandchildren
           include Sheila Robinson, Jason and Jaime
           Robinson (children Jeron and Jailyn), and Lana
           Stephenson (children Braxton and Addison),
           and you can be sure they “rise up and call her

           Through all these years of working full-time,
           Bebe’s life has been full to the brim as she has
           delighted in watching her grandchildren grow
           and become accomplished in choir, theater, art,
           and sports, cheering them on every step of the
           way. Lana says, “My mom is one of a kind!!
           She has a love for her family that is unlike any
           other. She goes above and beyond for those
           she loves.”
           After she “retires,” Bebe won’t give up her
           weekend “fun job.” Since 1998, she has worked
                                       in concessions
                                       at the historic
                                       Cactus Theater
                                       in downtown
                                       Lubbock. She
                                       has widened
                                       her circle
                                       of friends
                                       through the
                                       years serving
             Bebe with walking buddy   up popcorn
             Janie Adams
                                       and drinks!

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