Page 46 - Senior Link Magazine Winter 2021- Online Magazine
P. 46


           Bebe Robinson                                                                  SENIORS

           A Legacy of Excellence

           by Nancy McClendon

               eentering the workforce      presence. Saldana
               after 30 years at home was   says she has been a
         Ra risky move, but my job          part of many of the
         as a school office aide set me at   students’ lives, and
         the feet of a matriarch who made   when graduates
         the transition sweet. As Registrar   return for a visit,
         of a school that serves mostly     they always ask for
         at-risk students, Bebe Robinson    Bebe first. Every
         is a stabilizing force, consistent   year’s graduation   Bebe and Jim, center, with children and grandchildren
         and rooted in love, while she      ceremony shines,
         juggles the myriad demands of      having been                        to many corporate changes. As
         documentation placed on public     meticulously orchestrated with her   Registrar, she broke in many a new
         schools. Current Campus Director   love and energy.                   boss and met the challenges of
         Rod Saldana says, “There are not                                      adapting to new leadership styles.
         enough words to describe how       A short break at Bebe’s desk has   Former supervisor Dawn Dockter
         important and vital Bebe has been   been a regular “relief valve” for   remembers Bebe’s “rare ability
         from the time she started with our   young teachers, as they navigate   to balance professionalism with
         district 21 years ago.”            the nuances and rigors of teaching.   friendliness and caring. She ran the
                                            Math teacher Janie Adams found a   office with precision and accuracy;
         In the 21 years behind her desk,   true friend, who would often strap   keeping faculty, staff and students
         Bebe has embraced each new class   on tennis shoes and walk with      organized and on-time – all while
         of students with her steady, even   her after lunch. She remembers,   smiling and joking with everyone.”
                                            “There is nobody on the planet as
                                            kind and caring. I moved away      This past September 30, the break
                                            from Lubbock ten years ago, and    room erupted as current and
                                            I have missed her each day that    former co-workers surprised
                                            I have been away.” Twelve-year     her with a retirement party,
                                            veteran teacher April Cleavinger   complete with a tribute video and
                                            lovingly calls her “the all-       recognition plaque! Bebe’s 21 years
                                            knowing-wonderful Bebe” citing     of tireless full-time service ended
                                            Bebe’s wonderful support through   October 1. Yes, she’ll have more
                                            the years. Long-time friend and
                                            senior class instructor Jill Stinson
                                            says, “…with Bebe, the main word
                                            that comes to mind is ‘Excellence’.
                                            Bebe’s excellence is contagious.”
                                            Jill credits Bebe’s influence and
                                            work ethic as an inspiration for
                                            excellence in her own personal
                                            academic pursuits.

                                            Bebe’s longevity necessitated
           Campus Director Rod Saldana and Bebe  her making fluid adjustments    Dawn Dockter and Bebe

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