Page 92 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2021- Online Magazine
P. 92
Robert Ordóñez, M.D.
On Becoming a Man
by Jane Bromley
who had seen action Division, 3rd Battalion, Kilo
in the Army in WWII, Company, 2nd Platoon. He had
encouraged his son to just turned 21.
enlist in the Navy.
Robert had trained well, but
Robert had grown “nothing prepares an individual
up in a big, close- for war. You think you know, but
knit family with then you realize that nothing can
“excellent” parents, a prepare you for war.” Vietnam
sister whom he loved, was different than previous wars
a brother who was his in that units were out in the field
best friend, and lots of for months at a time. “Our home
cousins. Their home base was our backpacks.” The hot
was very disciplined - humid weather was brutal. “It
“both my mother and would cool down to 100 degrees
father in a very good at night, but the humidity never
way” – so disciplined, dropped below 100%.” The
in fact, that Robert mosquitoes were unrelenting,
had little trouble and the terrain was dangerous,
with boot camp. He even without the enemy lurking.
had been a star track
athlete in high school After a few days, Robert and
(4:35 mile) and was his platoon were sent out into
ready for a challenge. “the bush”. Even though the
The Marines sounded corpsman was the medic of the
like a good plan. He unit, he still had to function as a
was sent to Hospital Marine. Their missions usually
Corps School first, involved patrolling during the
“As I stepped out onto the foreign land …, then Field Medical day and setting ambushes at
it was as if a bucket of hot water had been Training, then on-the- night. They were always on
thrown on me – 126 degrees and 100% job training at Long foot, always outdoors, moving
humidity. I gasped, but the saturated air Beach Naval Hospital. from place to place, as orders
would not enter my lungs. Welcome to came from “the rear”. His pack
DaNang, July 1970.” “From there I was sent weighed over 50 pounds, and his
straight to Vietnam.” platoon was extremely short-
Unlike previous handed. A regular platoon had
or the boy from wars, when troops 54 soldiers and two corpsmen;
Albuquerque, Vietnam was were shipped out together, theirs had 19, and Robert was the
Fthe ultimate culture shock. soldiers were sent to Vietnam only corpsman for two platoons.
Robert Ordóñez had graduated individually. Once “in country”, The US wouldn’t withdraw for
from high school in 1967 and they were assigned to a unit. In another year, “but that didn’t
received his draft notice while DaNang, Corpsman Ordóñez slow the war down.” They were
at UNM. His father Fernando, was assigned to 1st Marine always searching for the enemy,
92 Lubbock Senior Link